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ET Summit 2023 Program

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Monday, August 28

8:30 am: Opening Panel

9:30 am: Decarbonizing Water Heating

10:40 am: Distributed Energy Resources: Enabling Customers to Partner with the Grid

12:10 pm: Low-GWP Refrigerants: The 9-Million Metric Ton CO2E Gorilla in the Room

1:20 pm: CalNEXT Presentations

3:30 pm: Catalyzing Market Change for California’s Clean Energy Future: Meet CalMTA "Virtual Booth"

Tuesday, August 29

8:30 am: Keynote Panel: Vision to Accelerate Decarbonization

9:30 am: Technologies for a Clean and Green Future

10:40 am: Catalysts of Change: Programs Driving Decarbonization

12:10 pm: Riding the Wave of Change: Market Readiness for a Low-Carbon Future

1:20 pm: CalNEXT Presentations

3:30 pm: [H2] Innovation Experience "Virtual Booth"

Presentation Details

Monday, 8:30 am • Opening Panel

Moderator: Carol Yin, Facilitator, ETCC

In 2022, ETCC members identified three key areas of market transformation that would be important for reaching California’s decarbonization goals: distributed energy resources, low global warming potential refrigerants, and commercial water heating. We start off our Summit by bringing together these driving forces to discuss their organizations' approach to market transformation and to give an update on the status of these markets with regards to objectives.

  • Rich Brown, Deputy: Building Technology Department, Energy/Environmental Policy Research Scientist/Engineer, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | Slides
  • Christina Starr, Senior Manager, Environmental Investigation Agency - US | Slides
  • Joe Wachunas, Project Manager, New Buildings Institute | Slides

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Monday, 9:30 am • Decarbonizing Water Heating

Moderator: Martin Vu, Principal, RMS Energy Consulting, LLC

This session will delve into groundbreaking innovations and demonstrations that are driving the transformation of water heating systems towards a low-carbon future. Join us as leading experts and organizations present their pioneering projects and technology evaluations aimed at decarbonizing water heating in various settings.

Gas Absorption Heat Pump Water Heaters

Speaker: Cristalle Mauleon, Engineering Manager, Lincus Inc. (CA Gas ET) | Slides

Gas Absorption Heat Pumps (GAHP) have been around for many years, but applying them to the domestic hot water heating end use is a novel application that the California Gas Emerging Technologies program is evaluating. This presentation will give an overview of the GAHP technology, how GAHPs can improve the coefficient of performance of a system, and how they can support decarbonization and low global warming potential goals and mandates.

Large Capacity CO2 Central Heat Pump Water Heating

Speaker: Nick Young, Director, Zero Carbon Buildings, Association for Energy Affordability | Slides

Through an EPIC Grant, AEA is leading a team to design and install large capacity CO2 central heat pump water heating systems at five existing low-income housing sites in disadvantaged communities across the state of California. All sites include significant pre- and post-retrofit data collection. Through this work, we are learning many important lessons the hard way, and look forward to sharing them with attendees to help advance these low-carbon water heating systems that are so crucial to decarbonizing multifamily housing.

Central CO2 Heat Pump Water Heater Performance and Load Shifting in Multifamily Buildings

Speaker: M M Valmiki, Senior Engineer, ASK Energy (CalNEXT) | Slides

This study evaluates central CO2 heat pump water heating systems installed at two existing low-income multifamily buildings in San Francisco, enhanced with load shifting controls. Central heat pump water heating is a key element to electrification efforts in California (and elsewhere) and accompanying load shifting features are a necessary emerging technology that demands further study and development. Hot water demand, total system performance, and load shifting abilities will be assessed through comprehensive measurement and verification.

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Monday, 10:40 am • Distributed Energy Resources: Enabling Customers to Partner with the Grid

This session will explore the efforts of utility programs to harness the power of distributed energy resources (DERs) in order to get useful demand flexibility that will bolster grid reliability and resiliency in California. Join us as our speakers present pioneering projects and innovative solutions that can shape a more secure and sustainable energy future.

Moderator: Rafael Friedmann, Facilitator, ETCC

Investigating the Potential for Residential PV Systems Paired With a Home Battery System to Support California's Grid Reliability

Speakers: Albert Chiu, Product Manager, Pacific Gas & Electric and Stephanie Bieler, Principal, Demand Side Analytics | Slides

Between 2017 and 2022, the installed nameplate capacity for residential battery storage grew from less than 50 MW to over 300 MW. As it grows, a key question is whether and how well those resources can be used as a grid resource based on TOU, DR and RTP signals. In 2021-2022, PG&E implemented a pilot to investigate how residential battery storage systems could be leveraged as a resource when the grid is experiencing stress and dynamic rate optimization. The presentation will focus on how customers are using battery storage on their own and how that impacts the grid.

SDG&E's Virtual Power Plant Project

Speaker: Jeff Barnes, Emerging Technologies Project Manager, San Diego Gas and Electric | Slides

SDG&E’s Virtual Power Plant project is evaluating the control, dispatch, and real-time signaling of behind-the-meter resources installed throughout a vulnerable community in the SDG&E service territory. This project is particularly unique because of its use of multiple end use devices and different technology providers, including thermostats, well water controllers, water heater controllers and battery storage. SDG&E will provide an overview of the project and provide preliminary findings based on signaled events to date.

SCE Flick Power Study: Using Pre-Attentive Color Schemes to Enhance Responsiveness to Time-of-Use Electric Rates

Speakers: Mark Martinez, Senior Portfolio Manager, Demand Response Emerging Markets and Technologies, Southern California Edison and Andre Ramirez, CEO, Flick Power | Slides

The concept of Pre-Attentive Notification (PAN) is defined as the process of providing subconscious information without an observer directly noticing it. The color from the Flick system is pre-attentively processed and that differs from direct stimulus and can be more effective in changing sub-conscience behavior. PAN is naturally occurring all around us (visual clues, sounds, olfactory, etc.) but is typically found in advertising, education, and media marketing as a subtle influence. Learn how the color-changing PAN signals for this project signify time-based electric rate signals directly from SCE to give occupants in the home or building the “nudge” they need to make informed decisions about energy use and to respond to the TOU price signals.

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Monday, 12:10 pm • Low-GWP Refrigerants: The 9-Million Metric Ton CO2E Gorilla in the Room

This session will highlight cutting-edge presentations about issues and drivers shaping the future of refrigerants. Join us for an exploration of sustainable heat pump technology, the impact of low global warming potential (low-GWP) refrigerants on the carbon credit market, and the environmental impacts of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFASs).

Moderator: Paul Delaney, Facilitator, ETCC

A Near-Zero-GWP Heat Pump System for All-Electric Heating & Cooling in California

Speaker: Aaron Tam, Research Engineer, Electric Power Research Institute | Slides

Heat pumps in the California climate are ideal for the decarbonization of space heating end use. This presentation provides an overview of the design and demonstration of a heat pump with ammonia (NH3) acting as its primary refrigerant, and carbon dioxide (CO2) acting as a thermal distribution fluid. This system can be a near-zero-GWP option for multifamily and small commercial applications with reduced piping installations costs.

How PFAS Restrictions Could Impact Refrigerants

Speaker: Tim Whitehouse, Executive Director, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility | Slides

This presentation provides a perspective on the latest developments in the regulation of PFAS and how these will affect the business case for synthetic and natural refrigerants.

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Monday, 1:20 pm • CalNEXT Presentations | Slides

Intro and Overview of CalNEXT (15 min) 1:20-1:35 pm

Speaker: Cassidee Kido, Energy Solutions

CalNEXT identifies, tests, and grows electric emerging technologies and delivery methods that have the potential to make major impacts on achieving California’s climate goals. Our goal is to provide support and resources for the implementation of 170 projects over the next six years. CalNEXT’s team of experts identify and resource ideas to advance the state’s priorities for decarbonization through electrification, utility grid priorities such as load flexibility, new measures for utility programs, and engaging hard-to-reach customers and disadvantaged communities. Project categories include research and development addressing appliances, HVAC, lighting, process loads, water heating, plug loads and appliances, and whole buildings. 

Workforce Development and Infrastructure (1 hr) 1:36-2:35 pm

CalNEXT is examining how market barriers and other deployment challenges for high impact solutions can be resolved through technology or other innovative deployment approaches. This session will include discussion on an emerging series of heat pump products to address electrification of the multifamily sector and how innovations on deployment are working to support electrification of the residential water heating sector. From there we will look forward to how our program’s Technology Priority Maps (TPMs) view workforce and workforce training challenges through an ET lens including how design & sizing tools, intelligent customer targeting, and automated commissioning tools can be part of a solution to address the workforce challenges related to decarbonization.

5 min – Session Introduction – Tim Minezaki, Energy Solutions
10 min – Multifamily In-Unit Heat Pump – Chris Badger, VEIC
20 min – Technology Priority Maps (TPMs) – Tim Minezaki, Energy Solutions
10 min – Emergency Replacement Heat Pump Water Heater Market Study – Chris Badger, VEIC
15 min – Q&A/ potential break – Erin Fitzgerald, Energy Solutions

Coordination Efforts with other Programs and Initiatives (15 min) 2:36 - 2:51 pm

CalNEXT emphasizes the need for successful technology transfer of completed projects. To successfully coordinate efforts with other programs, the CalNEXT team has been in communication with the California Technical Forum (CalTF) and California’s Market Transformation Administrator (CalMTA) along with programs specific to the technologies being studied. This session includes updates on impacts and outcomes from coordination with CalTF and CalMTA.

8 min – CalTF -Greg Barker, Energy Solutions
7 min – CalMTA -Marisa Lee, Energy Solutions

CalNEXT Projects Outside of Summit Initiatives (30 min) 2:52 - 3:20 pm

CalNEXT, initiated in 2022, has started work on 39 Technology Support Research (TSR) and Technology Development Research (TDR) projects to date. This session will highlight various projects that focus on technologies outside of the ET Summit Initiatives. Join our speakers to understand what the CalNEXT team has been working on surrounding new electric vehicle (EV) charging solutions within multifamily buildings and energy efficient water heater retrofits.

15 min – Advanced Multifamily EV Load Management System – Ryan Bird, Energy Solutions
15 min – Residential Water Heater Sizing Measure Package Support – Marc Fountain, Ritesh Nayyar, and Lake Casco, TRC
Q&A if time allows – Erin Fitzgerald, Energy Solutions

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Monday, 3:30 pm • Catalyzing Market Change for California’s Clean Energy Future: Meet CalMTA "Virtual Booth"

Speaker: Jeff Mitchell, Principal, Market Transformation; CalMTA (administered by Resource Innovations)

Learn how the new California Market Transformation Administrator (CalMTA), a CPUC program administered by Resource Innovations, will work across the California energy efficiency market to break down barriers and drive long-lasting change in support of statewide energy, climate, and equity goals – and how your organization can be a part of it.

Please visit their website for more information.

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Tuesday, 8:30 am • Keynote Panel: Vision to Accelerate Decarbonization

Moderator: Chris Malotte, Senior Manager, Southern California Edison

We bring together thought leaders from the federal, state, and utility level to discuss the status of their progress towards their organizations’ decarbonization goals, what recent successes they have achieved, and what steps their organizations are taking to meet challenges and milestones in the coming year. They will discuss their approaches to equitable decarbonization and share their vision on what public/private partnerships are needed to ensure a smooth path to decarbonization.

  • Andrew McAllister, Commissioner, California Energy Commission | Slides
  • Ram Narayanamurthy, Deputy Director, Building Technologies Office, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
  • Chanel Parson, Director, Electrification, Southern California Edison | Slides

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Tuesday, 9:30 am • Technologies for a Clean and Green Future

The CEC’s AB 3232 California Building Decarbonization Assessment Report calls for almost $38 billion in behind-the-meter upgrades to aggressively meet 2030 goals, but is the necessary technology ready? Our speakers will share their work on key technologies that will form the foundation of decarbonization, and discuss what they have learned about market, technology, and policy barriers to rapid adoption. They will also discuss key changes they hope to see in the market over the next two years.

Moderator: Will Vicent, Deputy Director, Buildings Standards & Operations, California Energy Commission

Retrofit Market Decarbonization With Plug-In, 120-volt HPWHs, California-wide Field Study Results and National MT Efforts

Speaker: Amruta Khanolkar, Formerly Associate Director, New Buildings Institute | Slides

Water heating and space heating together account for two thirds of residential energy usage in the U.S. and should be the cornerstones of any plan to decarbonize the built environment. Plug-in 120-volt heat pump water heaters (HPWHs) are entering the market and proving themselves to be important offerings from manufacturers aiming to address some of the key barriers. This presentation will include a summary of efforts from the Advanced Water Heating Initiative, a national market transformation effort, and dives deeper to give an overview of lessons learned on the first ever third-party field validation effort on the 120-volt HPWH technology through California-wide installations. It also includes a market assessment and recommendations for commercialization and touches on other efforts happening nationwide for validation and advancement of the technology.

DOE Research & Deployment for Commercial Building Efficiency

Speaker: Paul Torcellini, Principal Engineer, Commercial Buildings Research, National Renewable Energy Laboratory | Slides

The DOE's Building Technologies Office (BTO) is conducting a variety of research and partnership initiatives to advance commercial building decarbonization. Join us for an overview of BTO's work in addressing challenges such as commercial building envelopes, building upgrades, boiler replacement sizing, and how they are working to get communities engaged.

Decarbonization Technologies in Buildings, Transportation, and Industrial Sectors – An Overview

Speaker: Ammi Amarnath, Principal Technical Executive, Electrification & Customer Solutions Research Area, Electric Power Research Institute | Slides

This presentation focuses on various decarbonization activities by EPRI and other research institutions in buildings, transportation, industry, and grid-edge technologies that would be beneficial to California’s decarbonization efforts.

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Tuesday, 10:40 am • Catalysts of Change: Programs Driving Decarbonization

California’s decades of success in aggressive energy efficiency policies and programs means California simultaneously has the largest population and the third-lowest per-capita carbon dioxide emissions in the nation. As we push to decarbonize residential buildings, California continues to lead the way with innovative programs for both existing buildings and new construction to help create an equitable path to a safer and more resilient future. Our speakers share their program’s approaches to addressing a variety of market barriers facing residential customers.

Moderator: Jeremy Reefe, Codes & Standards Program Manager, San Diego Gas & Electric

Electrifying the Future: SCE Building Electrification Programs

Speaker: Jose Buendia, Senior Manager, Building Electrification Program Operations, Southern California Edison | Slides

This presentation will provide an overview of SCE's innovative Building Electrification (BE) programs. We will discuss program initiatives, strategies, and program designs to support the equitable transition of buildings to electric technologies to reduce carbon emissions, enhance air quality, optimize energy efficiency, and reduce operating costs. Discover how SCE is providing access to clean, highly efficient space and water heat pumps, along with other related technologies to low-income communities.

Building a Comprehensive Affordable Multifamily Retrofits (CAMR) Program

Speaker: Enayet Miah, Manager of Multifamily Programs and Field Services, Distributed Energy Solutions, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power | Slides

Learn about the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s Comprehensive Affordable Multifamily Retrofits Program, which is aimed at providing equitable access and benefits to underserved communities in Los Angeles by increasing efficiency and reducing costs.

Code Readiness: Supporting Codes and Standards Through Strategic Planning

Speaker: Thomas Mertens, Customer Care Program Engineer, Pacific Gas & Electric | Slides

This presentation will show how Code Readiness uses strategic planning and targeted research to promote code adoption of more efficient technologies. We will share how PG&E’s testing and research will help California on its way to decarbonization by first providing an overview of the Code Readiness subprogram and then sharing what Codes and Standards testing is taking place in PG&E’s San Ramon Applied Technology Services, partner labs, and in the field. We will also get a glimpse of what’s planned for the future.

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Tuesday, 12:10 pm • Riding the Wave of Change: Market Readiness for a Low-Carbon Future

California is the nation’s most populous state, yet due to decades of energy efficiency policies and programs, it has the third lowest per-capita carbon dioxide emissions. As our nation pushes to decarbonize residential buildings, California continues to lead the way with innovative programs for both existing buildings and new construction. Our speakers share their program’s approaches to addressing a variety of market barriers facing residential customers.

Moderator: Emma Tome, Air Pollution Specialist, California Air Resources Board

HVACR and Watering Heating Industry Developments on Decarbonization, Heat Pumps, and the Low-Global-Warming-Potential Refrigerant Transition

Speaker: Samantha Slater, Senior Vice President of Government Affairs, Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute | Slides

Samantha Slater will discuss the latest activity by the HVACR and water heating industry on decarbonization policy, including state and federal incentive programs. She will also provide an update on the national refrigerant transition to low-global-warming-potential refrigerants and the implementation of the American Innovation and Manufacturing Act and the ratification of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol.

TECH Clean California Disadvantaged Communities (SJV DAC) Pilot

Speaker: David Ortiz, Principal, The Ortiz Group and Rachel Etherington, SJV DAC Pilot Manager | Slides

The TECH Clean California San Joaquin Valley DAC Pilot Program is a pioneering initiative aimed at providing cleaner and more affordable energy alternatives to 11 communities in the San Joaquin Valley. This comprehensive program not only includes pilot projects but also incorporates a robust data gathering effort to inform critical Commission decisions. By directly addressing the energy needs of disadvantaged communities, this program will serve as a blueprint for extending affordable energy options to other identified communities in the region, promoting equitable access to sustainable energy solutions.

Challenges of Installing HPWHs: Who Do I Call?

Speaker: Ron Kliewer, Principal Building Scientist, Kliewer and Associates, LLC | Slides

Heat pump water heaters are not a simple swap-out like when you would replace a gas water heater with a similar gas-fired model. There are HVAC and Electrical component design considerations, as well as plumbing, that are crucial when installing HPWHs. Adding additional complexity are recirculation loops. Recirculation line losses can be a FAR bigger energy user than hot water use alone. Hot water is a system, and we pay a price when we forget that. Hot water systems need to be designed and built so they are easy to maintain. Unfortunately, new hot water systems are often complex and we need to be prepared for this. Training industry stakeholders is essential to HPWH performance success.

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Tuesday, 1:20 pm • CalNEXT Presentations | Slides

Equitable Decarb (1 hr) 1:20 pm

CalNEXT’s team of experts identify and resource ideas to advance the state’s priorities for decarbonization through electrification, utility grid priorities such as load flexibility, new measures for utility programs, and engaging hard-to-reach (HTR) customers and disadvantaged communities (DAC). This session will provide information on how CalNEXT is prioritizing HTR and DAC projects through the scanning and screening (S&S) process and will detail a few of the projects that impact HTR customers and DACs.

5 min – Session Introduction – Rebecca Rothman, VEIC
15 min – Residential Housing Characteristics Study – Irina Krishpinovich, The Ortiz Group
15 min – Mobile and Manufactured Housing Market Characterization Study – Kevin McGrath, VEIC
15 min – Low-Income Multifamily Housing Characteristics Study – Kevin McGrath, VEIC
10 min – Q&A – Erin Fitzgerald, Energy Solutions

C&I Electrification (1 hr) 2:20 - 3:20 pm

CalNEXT has identified commercial and industrial (C&I) Electrification opportunities within commercial food systems. Join this CalNEXT session to learn about completed findings, in progress work, and where we are expanding to other sectors. There will be an opportunity to ask our presenters questions about their projects.

5 min – Session Introduction – Derek Okada, Energy Solutions
15 min – All-Electric Commercial Kitchen Electrical Requirements Study Evaluation – Kyle Booth, Energy Solutions
15 min – Market Potential for HP Assisted Hot Water Systems in Food Service Facilities – Amin Delagah, TRC
15 min – Industrial Heat Pumps Market Study – Colin Lee, AESC
10 min – Q&A – Erin Fitzgerald, Energy Solutions

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Tuesday, 3:30 pm [H2] Innovation Experience "Virtual Booth"

Speaker: Jennifer Medina, Hydrogen Engineering Team Lead, Southern California Gas Company

The [H2] Innovation Experience is North America's first-ever clean hydrogen powered microgrid and home. This project demonstrates how carbon-free gas made from renewable electricity can be used in pure form or as a blend to fuel energy systems and communities of the future.

Named a World-Changing Idea by Fast Company and awarded the U.S. Green Building Council of L.A.’s Sustainable Innovation Award, the [H2]IE features clean hydrogen production and storage along with a nearly 2,000 square-foot home that can draw power from solar panels and convert excess renewable energy into clean hydrogen.

Please visit their website for more information.

  • Pacific Gas & Electric Company logo
  • Southern California Edison Company logo
  • Southern California Gas Company logo
  • San Diego Gas & Electric Company logo
  • Los Angeles Department of Water and Power logo
  • CEC logo

Copyright © 2025 Energy Transition Coordinating Council. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

The ETCC is funded in part by ratepayer dollars and the California IOU Emerging Technologies Program, the IOU Codes & Standards Planning & Coordination Subprograms, and the Demand Response Emerging Technologies (DRET) Collaborative programs under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. The municipal portion of this program is funded and administered by Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.