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Ammi AmarnathAmmi Amarnath

Principal Technical Executive, Electrification & Customer Solutions Research Area
Electric Power Research Institute

Ammi Amarnath is a Principal Technical Executive in EPRI’s Electrification & Customer Solutions Research Area. He works with a team of engineers and scientists in the research, development, and deployment of energy-efficient and demand-responsive grid-edge technologies in the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors, the energy-water nexus, and related smart, distributed energy resource technologies that connect to the modern grid. Ammi has a Bachelor of Engineering (India) and a Master of Science (UC Santa Barbara) in chemical engineering. He also has an MBA from the University of Houston.


Chris BadgerChris Badger

Senior Consultant

Chris manages VEIC projects that involve the design and assessment of emerging technology markets and efficiency programs related to high-impact water heating, HVAC, and appliance efficiency. Chris serves as VEIC’s water heating lead for CalNEXT, a statewide initiative to identify, test, and grow electric technologies and delivery methods to support California's decarbonized future.


Greg BarkerGreg Barker

Technical Director
Energy Solutions (CalNEXT)

Greg has led technical teams in energy efficiency and demand response over 19 years at Energy Solutions, designing and implementing a variety of program types with a wide range of technologies. He has expertise in developing energy use and demand savings estimates, energy modeling and codes and standards. Greg is a licensed Professional Engineer and lives in Vancouver, British Columbia.


Jeff BarnesJeff Barnes

Emerging Technologies Project Manager
San Diego Gas & Electric

Jeff Barnes is an Emerging Technologies Project Manager for SDG&E, with over 19 years of experience managing utility customer programs. His current role is focused on assessing new technologies for demand response programs; enhancing the market integration of distributed energy resources such as storage and EVs; and facilitating the technology transfer of demand response research. Jeff previously managed water efficiency programs at Helix Water District, a retail water agency in San Diego County.


Stephanie BielerStephanie Bieler

Demand Side Analytics

Stephanie Bieler is a Principal at Demand Side Analytics, based in Denver, Colorado. She focuses on demand-side management measurement and evaluation projects for the electricity and natural gas sector, as well as strategic market assessment and planning for utilities. She has led evaluations for both energy efficiency and demand-response programs. She has also helped to design and implement pilot programs for residential battery storage and has led projects estimating the market potential for distributed energy resources (solar, battery storage, electric vehicles, demand response, and energy efficiency).


Ryan BirdRyan Bird

Associate Director: Clean Transportation & Demand Management
Energy Solutions (CalNEXT)

Ryan Bird leads Energy Solutions’ clean transportation practice, designing and implementing programs that accelerate adoption of zero-emission transportation technologies and manage the grid impacts of vehicle electrification. In 10 years at Energy Solutions he has managed and worked on innovative projects in electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure and vehicle-to-grid integration, demand response, and other DER technologies.


Kyle BoothKyle Booth

Senior Staff Engineer
Energy Solutions (CalNEXT)

Kyle Booth is a Senior Staff Engineer at Energy Solutions. He leads Energy Solutions’ Market Study product and is a subject matter expert for Cal NEXT on process loads, lighting, and water heating technology areas. Kyle is the Foodservice Domain Lead for Energy Solutions’ Energy Efficiency Department and has extensive knowledge of the foodservice industry.


Rich Brown Rich Brown

Deputy: Building Technology Department; Energy/Environmental Policy Research Scientist/Engineer
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Rich Brown is a Research Scientist in the Building Technologies and Urban Systems Division at LBNL, where he has conducted research on energy in buildings for over 30 years. His research addresses the development and demonstration of technologies to reduce building energy use, make buildings more grid-interactive, and intelligently manage distributed energy resources, particularly through networked systems of sensors and controls. He also leads LBNL's research on DC power distribution in buildings. Rich holds an MA degree from the Energy and Resources Group at the University of California at Berkeley, and a BSE in Engineering and Management Systems from Princeton University.


Jose BuendiaJose Buendia

Senior Manager, Building Electrification Program Operations
Southern California Edison

Jose Buendia is a Senior Manager at SCE, providing strategic direction for the design, development, and execution of SCE-implemented programs, as well as other statewide programs where SCE has been entrusted with specific administrative roles by the CPUC. He has over 15 years of energy efficiency and demand-side management expertise and has worked on a variety of initiatives aimed at enhancing the promotion and delivery of customer programs.


Lake CascoLake Casco

Senior Energy Engineer
TRC Companies, Inc. (CalNEXT)

Lake Casco has diverse experience in the field of advanced energy. He is skilled in developing deemed measures, reviewing energy code, calculating energy savings, and estimating project costs. He also performs whole building energy audits, where he calculates savings, evaluates financial metrics, and drafts reports. Lake has developed Excel, Visual Basic, SharePoint, and GIS web application based tools for various energy related purposes for public agency and utility customers. He has also led the development of site and portfolio-wide ZNE and decarbonization audits and roadmaps.


Albert ChiuAlbert Chiu

Product Manager
Pacific Gas & Electric

In his 20-plus years working in Load Management, Integrated Demand Side Management, and Distributed Energy Resource (DER), Albert Chiu has developed energy efficiency, demand response, and vehicle grid integration (VGI) policies and programs for utility customers.


Amin DelagahAmin Delagah

Associate Director
TRC Companies, Inc. (CalNEXT)

Amin Delagah is an Associate Director at TRC in the Research & Consulting Group and has over 18 years of mechanical engineering and advocacy experience working in the energy efficiency field, primarily in the food service facility and multi-family building sectors. Amin is a subject matter expert in domestic hot water systems, serves on related committees at ASHRAE and ACEEE, and has supported emerging technology projects, building energy code development and incentive program design in California.


Rachel EtheringtonRachel Etherington

SJV DAC Pilot Manager
The Ortiz Group

As a Pilot Manager at TECH Clean California, Rachel Etherington is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the San Joaquin Valley Disadvantaged Communities Pilot Program. Her role involves managing daily operations, providing electric appliances, and securing additional funding for extensive remediation efforts in qualifying homes that lack access to natural gas service in the SJV DAC.


Marc FountainMarc Fountain

Research and Consulting
TRC Companies, Inc. (CalNEXT)

Marc Fountain contributes to TRC’s technology-to-market research projects, which aim to scale up market adoption of new and emerging technologies that improve energy performance and occupant experience in buildings. This includes research on a wide range of topics including heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, HVAC and lighting controls and analytics, integrated design, building envelopes, occupant comfort, decarbonization, codes and standards, and grid-responsive buildings.


Amruta KhanolkarAmruta Khanolkar

Formerly Associate Director
New Buildings Institute

Amruta Khanolkar was an Associate Director at New Buildings Institute. In her role, she focused on emerging technologies development, analyzing building performance, and developing tools that advance energy codes and policies. With experience in the private and nonprofit sectors, she combines technical expertise in electrification, demand-response management, and net-zero energy design with strong organizational skills.


Ron KliewerRon Kliewer

Principal Building Scientist
Kliewer and Associates, LLC

Ron Kliewer started out framing houses and remodeling homes, becoming a custom home builder and general contractor. He has worked around the world building everything from an outhouse to nuclear power plants while wearing many hats, which include framer, cabinetmaker, electrician, plumber, special inspector, and general contractor. He has focused on heat pump water heater performance research for the last few years. His most current work is with SCE, EPRI, and SCAQMD conducting energy retrofit inspections and working in building science and energy storage projects.


Irina KrishpinovichIrina Krishpinovich

Program Manager
The Ortiz Group (CalNEXT)

Irina Krishpinovich has over 25 years of experience in energy efficiency program design, implementation, and management, with expertise in residential applications. For The Ortiz Group, she manages the CalNEXT and TECH Clean California program engagements which focus primarily on ensuring program equity goals are achieved. Irina has worked in the public and private sector, and with community-based organizations a large number of which serve DAC / HTR areas across California.


Colin LeeColin Lee

Staff Engineer

Colin holds dual bachelor’s degrees in Business and Chemical Engineering from the University of Western Ontario and a master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley. He currently works as a Staff Engineer at Alternative Energy Systems Consulting, Inc., supporting the CalNEXT statewide electric emerging technologies program.


Marisa LeeMarisa Lee

Senior Project Manager
Energy Solutions (CalNEXT)

Marisa Lee, Senior Project Manager with Energy Solutions, is the CalNEXT Technology Focused Pilot liaison to CalMTA. Over the past twelve years, Marisa has been involved in managing and developing energy efficiency, load management, codes and standards, and emerging technology programs across California and beyond.


Mark MartinezMark Martinez

Senior Portfolio Manager, Demand Response Emerging Markets and Technologies
Southern California Edison

Mark Martinez is a Senior Portfolio Manager for SCE with over 25 years’ experience in the research, policy compliance, and deployment of electric demand-side management enabling technologies. He oversees SCE’s Emerging Markets and Technologies program that supports SCE’s demand response programs and the market transformation for enabling advanced customer technologies.


Cristalle MauleonCristalle Mauleon

Engineering Manager
Lincus Inc. (CA Gas ETP)

Cristalle Mauleon has over 10 years of experience in the energy efficiency field, covering a wide range of activities including review of energy efficiency incentive applications, performing building audits, conducting process improvement reviews, introducing new measures into utility energy efficiency portfolios, engineering support of utility energy efficiency programs, and managing emerging technology projects. Cristalle currently supports the California Statewide Gas Emerging Technologies Program administered by ICF under a contract with Southern California Gas. She previously supported the electric side of emerging technologies, giving her a unique perspective on emerging technology.


Andrew McAllisterAndrew McAllister

California Energy Commission

Andrew McAllister is serving his third term on the CEC, where he leads the policy area of energy efficiency, including Building Energy Efficiency Standards, appliance efficiency, and load management and flexibility. More broadly, he is focused on enabling modern, data-rich analytical tools to support strong clean energy policy development and program implementation.

Andrew has worked on energy deployment and policy since the early 1990s. He administered two of California’s signature renewable energy programs, developed and operated energy efficiency programs for utilities, and conducted a broad range of policy-related research for California and the federal government.

He is a board member and immediate past board chair of the National Association of State Energy Officials, and a board member of the Alliance to Save Energy. Before joining the Energy Commission, he was managing director at the California Center for Sustainable Energy.


Kevin McGrath Kevin McGrath


Kevin McGrath is a Consultant for VEIC, a nonprofit organization that helps clients meet their clean energy and decarbonization goals through innovative and equitable solutions. Founded in 1986, VEIC is nationally recognized for award winning energy efficiency and clean energy programs as program administrator for Efficiency Vermont, the DC Sustainable Energy Utility, and Efficiency Smart, as well as a full-service consulting practice that conducts innovative research and develops pilot projects that advance emerging technologies. Kevin’s work with VEIC has focused on equitable building electrification, conducting research and providing program design support for program managers to implement strategies to ensure that low- and moderate-income households and underserved communities can access opportunities and afford to electrify their homes.


Jennifer MedinaJennifer Medina

Hydrogen Engineering Team Lead
Southern California Gas Company

Jennifer Medina is the Hydrogen Engineering Team Lead for SoCal Gas. She joined the company in 2011 after graduating from California State University, Long Beach with a Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering. Before joining the hydrogen engineering group, she was involved in gas storage and transmission projects, leading testing efforts during the commissioning stages for the company’s Pipeline Safety Enhancement Program projects. Jennifer joined the SCG hydrogen team in 2020, where she works with engineers internally and externally to help design new hydrogen and hydrogen blending station projects.


Thomas MertensThomas Mertens

Customer Care Program Engineer
Pacific Gas & Electric

Thomas Mertens has been at PG&E for two years working as an engineer supporting its Codes, Standards, and Cross Cutting team, as well as serving as the Program Manager for PG&E’s Code Readiness subprogram. Thomas’ career began at AESC, working primarily on the Self-Generation Incentive Program.


Enayet MiahEnayet Miah

Manager of Multifamily Programs and Field Services
Distributed Energy Solutions
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power

Enayet Miah has over eight years of experience delivering energy efficiency and conservation programs for the LADWP. As the Manager of Multifamily Programs and Field Services for LADWP’s Distributed Energy Solutions division, he leads a team of subject matter experts to design and implement customer-centric programs that promote the efficient use of electrical energy. His stewardship has led to the successful launch of LADWP’s Comprehensive Affordable Multifamily Retrofits Program, which is aimed at providing equitable access and benefits to underserved communities in Los Angeles by increasing efficiency and reducing costs.


Tim MinezakiTim Minezaki

Senior Staff Engineer
Energy Solutions (CalNEXT)

Tim Minezaki is a Senior Staff Engineer at Energy Solutions. Tim brings over 14 years of experience in energy efficiency and has worked a wide range of utility programs across all parts of the adoption curve from Emerging Technologies, Energy Efficiency program support for Deemed & Custom Programs, to Appliance Standards and Building Code Development. In his current role, he leads technology research strategy for the CalNEXT program.


Jeff MitchellJeff Mitchell

Principal, Market Transformation
CalMTA (administered by Resource Innovations)

Jeff brings 20 years of energy experience and 8 years of direct market transformation experience working in the utility, consulting, and non-profit sectors. Jeff has a background evaluating emerging technologies, designing innovative programs, conducting market research, and engaging in the voluntary and federal standards process. At CalMTA, Jeff leads the identification and implementation of market transformation initiatives, utilizing industry best practices and market intelligence to ensure the outcomes align with California’s energy efficiency, greenhouse gas reduction, and equity goals.


Ram NarayanamurthyRam Narayanamurthy

Deputy Director, Building Technologies Office, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
U.S. Department of Energy

Ram Narayanamurthy is the Program Director of the Emerging Technologies Program at the U.S. DOE. He has more than two decades of experience in development and deployment of building technologies. His research work extends to the identification of technologies that overcome infrastructure and cost barriers to decarbonization retrofits, such as low power heat pumps and heat pump water heaters that can help scale deployments. Ram has also worked extensively with the CEC, New York State Energy Research & Development Authority, and cities to advance building decarbonization. He works with many large homebuilders, affordable housing developers, HVAC manufacturers, and utilities to assist in scaling emerging technologies and holds 27 patents.


Ritesh NayyarRitesh Nayyar

Senior Program Technical Manager
TRC Companies, Inc. (CalNEXT)

Ritesh Nayyar has over 12 years experience in the energy efficiency and sustainability fields, specializing in new construction single family, new construction multifamily and existing multifamily. Ritesh also has experience in performing industrial, commercial energy audits and in renewable energy systems. Ritesh serves as an expert on Zero Net Energy (ZNE) and smart home technologies and concepts such as advanced envelopes, home energy management systems, battery storage, demand response, behavioral energy reductions, load-shifting, decarbonization, and solar photovoltaic systems. Ritesh serves as a senior program technical manager for multiple utility incentive programs and works towards the advancement of energy-efficient practices in California's building industry.


David OrtizDavid Ortiz

The Ortiz Group

As the Low-Income Pilot Strategy Manager, David Ortiz collaborates with community stakeholders to identify synergistic opportunities and develop comprehensive strategies for integrating heat pump technology into existing programs. His expertise maximizes the impact of the pilot, advancing clean energy solutions for low-income communities while closely working with stakeholders.


Chanel ParsonChanel Parson

Director, Electrification
Southern California Edison

Chanel Parson is responsible for progressing SCE’s vision for a Clean Energy Future through the electrification of vehicles and buildings. Her portfolio includes over $1 billion in programs that address key barriers to electrification – availability, affordability, and awareness. Her portfolio also includes strategy, program development, business development and partnerships, and codes and standards.

Prior to this role, Chanel was the executive responsible for SCE’s Advanced Energy Solutions portfolio of programs and its 5 million customer accounts for customer solar, battery storage, energy efficiency, and demand-response programs.

With over 17 years of utility experience, Chanel has led teams in training, transmission and distribution operations, project management, regulatory, safety, and customer service. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from UCLA, a Master of Arts in Organizational Behavior and Program Evaluation from Claremont Graduate University, and a Master of Business Administration from UCLA Anderson School of Management.


Andre RamirezAndre Ramirez

Flick Power

Andre Ramirez is the Founder and CEO of Flick Power. Previously, he was a lead for California's transition to time-based rates. During his 12+ year utility career he has led change management and product development efforts in the pricing and customer engagement areas. He helped craft long-term pricing strategies for over 4M residential customers, resulting in the California Public Utilities Commission deciding to transition most Californians to time-of-day pricing versus pricing based on aggregate use. Prior to his work in pricing, Andre worked on operations and business strategies in the areas of electric vehicles, energy storage, and R&D at SCE.


Samantha M. SlaterSamantha M. Slater

Senior Vice President of Government Affairs
Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute

Samantha Slater is the Senior Vice President of Government Affairs for AHRI and directs their federal and state lobbying efforts. Previously, she served as the Vice President of Government Affairs for the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA). She led the RFA’s efforts in advancing the U.S. ethanol industry’s public policy agenda and served as its lead lobbyist for legislative and regulatory affairs concerning ethanol, energy, agriculture, and climate change. Samantha successfully represented the U.S. ethanol industry’s interests in the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, working to achieve the inclusion of a provision to expand the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS).


Christina StarrChristina Starr

Senior Manager
Environmental Investigation Agency – U.S.

Christina Starr is the Senior Manager, Climate Campaign, for EIA – U.S. She has worked on EIA's investigative, corporate responsibility, and international climate policy work, driving HFC engagement with the U.S. EPA and key states, including California, New York, and Washington. She’s also worked on increasing stakeholder engagement on issues surrounding end-of-life refrigerant management. She is an active member of several standards committees on refrigeration and air conditioning and chaired a UL task group on increasing adoption of low-global warming potential refrigerants.


Aaron TamAaron Tam

Research Engineer
Electric Power Research Institute

Aaron Tam is a Research Engineer at EPRI. He is a part of the Grid-Edge Customer Technologies Program, which focuses on understanding emerging end-use devices and their role in a cleaner and more flexible electrical grid. His research area is on thermal system energy efficiency and overall environmental impact, with a focus on low-GWP or natural refrigerant-based systems. Prior to EPRI, Aaron received his Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University.


Paul TorcelliniPaul Torcellini

Principal Engineer, Commercial Buildings Research
National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Paul Torcellini is a principal engineer at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory focused on research and engagement with industry to reduce the energy and environmental impact of commercial buildings. He has been at the Lab for 29 years and has dozens of technical papers and awards highlighting his work.


M M ValmikiM M Valmiki

Senior Engineer
ASK Energy (CalNEXT)

MM Valmiki has been leading emerging technology studies for California utilities for 11 years, across multiple sectors and end uses, including unitary HVAC, plug load controls, domestic hot water, and supermarket refrigeration. Most recently, he has been a team member of the statewide CalNEXT emerging technologies program. He has also contributed to several energy efficiency codes and standards initiatives, including leading new measures covering laboratory fume hoods and compressed air systems in Title 24 and ASHRAE 90.1.


Joe WachunasJoe Wachunas

Project Manager
New Buildings Institute

Joe Wachunas is a Project Manager for New Buildings Institute, where he works on the Advanced Water Heating Initiative, a national market transformation effort that seeks to decarbonize water heating through heat pump water heaters in both residential and commercial applications. Joe is a contributing author at the blog CleanTechnica and hosts electrification webinars through the nonprofit Electrify Now.


Tim WhitehouseTim Whitehouse

Executive Director
Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility

Tim Whitehouse has more than 25 years of experience working on a wide range of environmental issues with governments, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and community groups. His interest is in the intersection of science, policy, and the civil service. Previously he was head of the law and policy program at the Commission for Environmental Cooperation in Montreal, Canada, and a senior attorney at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.


Nick YoungNick Young

Director, Zero Carbon Buildings
Association for Energy Affordability

Nick Young manages AEA West’s independent consulting work, including services around building electrification, heat pump water heating, and decarbonization-focused design review services for multifamily buildings. He lead’s AEA’s team as the BUILD Program Technical Assistance Provider, and works on a number of R&D projects focused on heat pump water heating, cutting edge grid-friendly development, and whole building envelope leakage testing.



Paul Delaney


Paul Delaney is a Facilitator for ETCC. He has 44 years of experience in energy and environmental engineering and is knowledgeable in a wide range of areas including energy efficiency, Direct Access, demand management and global warming issues. He has been responsible for over 160 projects during the last ten years to assess new/emerging technologies and provide incentives for utility customers. He’s also a subject matter expert in low-GWP refrigeration and understanding end-user needs regarding energy and the environment.


Rafael FriedmannRafael Friedmann


Rafael Friedmann’s over-45-year career has spanned solar energy, energy efficiency, and DERs; primarily in the USA and Latin America. He has a PhD from the Energy & Resources Group at UC Berkeley, Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Technion, and a Bachelor’s degree in Energy Resources Engineering from UAM-Mexico. He currently mostly consults in the cleaner energy transition space.


Cassidee KidoCassidee Kido

Senior Project Manager
Energy Solutions

Cassidee Kido is a Senior Project Manager on Energy Solutions' Business Strategy Team where she leads the implementation of the California Statewide Electric Emerging Technologies Program and supports the ComEd Customer Solutions Innovation Program. She has led the development of multiple Title 20 CASE reports and various local reach codes and has field experience with installing EV charging management software for fleets. Cassidee received her Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering and now focuses on leading her teams through strategic planning and process management.


Chris MalotteChristopher Malotte

Senior Manager
Southern California Edison

At SCE, Chris Malotte manages the Building Electrification Codes and Standards team responsible for supporting the advancement of and compliance with building and appliance codes. The Codes and Standards team supports three statewide advocacy programs and leads three local programs (Compliance Improvement, Reach Codes, and Planning & Coordination). Prior to his current role, Chris was a policy and strategy lead for SCE’s Energy Efficiency Portfolio and Clean Energy Optimization Pilot. Prior to SCE, Chris worked at APS in Arizona, managing electric vehicle and renewables programs, and assessing new technologies’ role in the changing utility landscape.


Derek OkadaDerek Okada

Senior Fellow
Energy Solutions

Derek Okada is a Senior Fellow with Energy Solutions' Business Strategy Team. Derek has over 25 years of strategic planning, financial planning and analysis, and project/program management experience from working in the energy consulting/utility, media/publishing, information technology, automotive and financial services industries with several Fortune 500 companies. Prior to joining Energy Solutions, Derek managed a team of 11 program managers and support staff responsible for administering the majority of SCE's Energy Efficiency programs including the Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural and Public Sector markets and oversaw financing solutions to serve these markets. .


Jeremy ReefeJeremy Reefe

Codes & Standards Project Manager
San Diego Gas & Electric

Jeremy Reefe is the SDG&E Codes & Standards Project Manager working with federal/state agencies and local jurisdictions on developing building and appliance codes, standards and ordinances for all new and existing buildings in California. He specializes in delivering key trainings, tools and resources through the Energy Code Ace program. Jeremy has 23 years of experience in the construction industry and EE, DR, DER, PV, storage, EV, and grid harmonization program solutions.


Rebecca RothmanRebecca Rothman

Managing Consultant

Rebecca is an expert in civil and environmental engineering with specializations in energy efficient design, water and air quality management, and utility construction. She excels at strategic planning, process improvement, and management of diverse, multidisciplinary teams. She has extensive experience in regulatory interpretation and permitting. Based in California, Rebecca leads VEIC’s participation in CalNEXT, the state’s Emerging Electric Technology program. She provides strategic planning, leads research projects, and heads a matrixed team of technical professionals overseeing the Project Idea Scanning & Screening process.


Emma TomeEmma Tome

Air Pollution Specialist
California Air Resources Board

Emma Tome is an Air Pollution Specialist in CARB's Sustainable Transportation and Communities Division. They are part of the team developing zero-emission appliance and equipment standards. CARB is charged with protecting the public from the harmful effects of air pollution and developing programs and actions to fight climate change.


Will VicentWill Vicent

Deputy Director, Building Standards & Operations
California Energy Commission

Will Vicent is dedicated to reimagining our built environment into one that is more inspired, more ecologically intelligent, and more equitably distributed. Throughout his career he has worked with nationally recognized design firms, builders, developers, utilities, and research entities to design and build zero-emission buildings. Currently, he leads an all-star team at the CEC that is responsible for updating California’s Energy Code, its companion software, and outreach & education programs.


Martin Vu, Esq.

RMS Energy Consulting, LLC

Martin is a Licensed Intellectual Property Attorney and Principal Engineer at RMS Energy Consulting, LLC. He has over 18 years of utility operations and supervisory experience spanning across interdisciplinary competencies including engineering, law, energy policies, and higher education. Martin serves on the California Technical Forum and has extensive knowledge in successfully transitioning emerging technologies into California’s EE statewide incentive programs.

Carol YinCarol Yin


Carol Yin has led the ETCC facilitation team since 2018, helping our member utilities and the CEC coordinate research on technologies for customer programs. Carol has been consulting in the energy efficiency industry since 2004, and in her spare time enjoys scuba diving off the Southern California coast.


  • Pacific Gas & Electric Company logo
  • Southern California Edison Company logo
  • Southern California Gas Company logo
  • San Diego Gas & Electric Company logo
  • Los Angeles Department of Water and Power logo
  • CEC logo

Copyright © 2025 Energy Transition Coordinating Council. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

The ETCC is funded in part by ratepayer dollars and the California IOU Emerging Technologies Program, the IOU Codes & Standards Planning & Coordination Subprograms, and the Demand Response Emerging Technologies (DRET) Collaborative programs under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. The municipal portion of this program is funded and administered by Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.