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ET Summit 2020


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

8:30 AM: Welcome to the ET Summit 2020!

8:45 AM: The Role of ET in Supporting Decarb in Building Systems

What tactics and technologies can the emerging technologies community undertake to address operational efficiency in support of decarbonization goals? Join us as we discuss residential and commercial building system technologies—both electric and gas—and their affordability, and determine how we can help programs, including Codes & Standards, support decarbonization.

Opening remarks by Michael Sokol, Deputy Director, Efficiency Division, California Energy Commission | Workshop Draft Notes

Michael Sokol is the Deputy Director for the Efficiency Division at the California Energy Commission. The division designs, develops, and implements programs, policies, and regulations that achieve California’s energy efficiency goals. These goals include developing efficiency standards for new buildings and appliances and achieving greater energy efficiency in existing buildings. Prior, Sokol managed the CEC's Renewable Energy Office in the Renewable Energy Division, overseeing the Renewables Portfolio Standard and Power Source Disclosure programs and related efforts supporting decarbonization of California’s energy sector.

10:15 AM: Speed Networking

10:45 AM: System Integration: How ET Can Optimize Building Resources

Customers who are key early adopters have led the way in integrating technologies such as storage systems, renewable energy, and building controls. As they push for efficiency and control over their energy use, we need to understand what these customers are doing now to better anticipate future trends while supporting the grid. The ETCC has invited knowledgeable early-adopter customers to join us as we discuss the issues associated with integrated systems.

Opening remarks by: John Powers, CEO, Extensible Energy | Workshop Draft Notes

An energy economist and serial entrepreneur with more than 30 years of experience in consulting and technology development in energy markets, John Powers has worked in energy efficiency, demand response, and renewables for most of his career. As CEO of Extensible Energy, he leads a team of cleantech experts in developing software solutions for building controls, solar, storage, and load flexibility applications. Prior, Powers founded Energy Interactive, a pioneering software company in online energy applications, and served as Director of Retail Software at ABB after ABB acquired Energy Interactive. He has a BA in economics from Reed College and an MA in economics from UC Berkeley.

12:15 PM: Adjournment

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

8:30 AM: Opening Remarks

8:45 AM: The Energy Within: ET Support for Embodied Energy in New Buildings

The embodied energy of new buildings becomes more important as programs move to directly support GHG goals. How deep do we go when considering the embodied energy in materials? What can we do to encourage more sustainable construction practices? Are current accounting practices working? Join us for a lively conversation with thought leaders on how to stay ahead of the embodied energy curve.

Opening remarks by Anthony Hickling, Managing Director, Carbon Leadership Forum | Slides | Workshop Draft Notes

Anthony Hickling is the Managing Director of the Carbon Leadership Forum. His foundations in sustainable building are informed by experience at Presidio Graduate School, where he received an MBA in sustainable solutions, as well as his work on the sustainability team at Webcor Builders in San Francisco. Through academic and professional experience, he navigates the priorities of traditional business stakeholders while incorporating social and environmental externalities. Hickling believes that wide-impact considerations and diversity of thought should be embedded in all decision-making.

10:15 AM: Speed Networking

10:45 AM: Playing in the Sandbox: Pilot-Testing ET in California

You are invited to discuss pilot-testing opportunities that the ETCC is currently considering: secondary windows in commercial retrofits, central MF HPWHs, and residential ducted variable-capacity HPs. We will discuss and identify barriers, possible market interventions, and test venues to support the development of pilot-testing plans that will produce useful information for program designers. Come help us set our emerging technologies pilot-testing agenda for 2021.

Opening remarks by Edwin Hornquist, Senior Emerging Technologies Program Manager, Southern California Edison | Slides | Workshop Draft Notes

Edwin Hornquist manages the California Statewide Electric Emerging Technologies Program, which aims to support increased energy-efficiency-technology market demand and technology supply by contributing to the development and deployment of new and underutilized energy-efficiency technologies. He began his career working for public and investor-owned utilities focusing on energy efficiency, demand-side management, supply-side resource planning, and advanced meter data acquisition systems. During the early years of the deregulated electricity market in California, Hornquist held key positions managing retail commodity operations for several prominent energy service providers, and he helped launch and lead the operations of a building energy analytics and management startup. Hornquist is a mechanical engineer with a master’s degree in business administration.

12:30 PM: Adjournment

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Copyright © 2025 Energy Transition Coordinating Council. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

The ETCC is funded in part by ratepayer dollars and the California IOU Emerging Technologies Program, the IOU Codes & Standards Planning & Coordination Subprograms, and the Demand Response Emerging Technologies (DRET) Collaborative programs under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. The municipal portion of this program is funded and administered by Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.