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Sector Commercial
End-use Lighting
Project Number PGE 0722
2007 - 2008
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Project SummaryReplacing the fluorescent bulbs that light frozen food and refrigerated cases in supermarkets with light-emitting diodes (LEDs) cuts electrical consumption by nearly half and results in more consistent lighting, lower maintenance costs, and longer lighting life. In this study, the...
Sector Public
End-use Lighting
Project Number PGE 0720
2007 - 2008
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Project Summary:This study evaluated an emerging technology that potentially provides energy efficiency improvements on HID lighting. The main objectives of this assessment were 1) to evaluate energy use of the emerging technology as compared to the existing technology, and 2) to characterize the...
Sector Residential
End-use HVAC
Project Number PGE 0724
2007 - 2007
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Project SummaryCalifornia and other states with hot dry climates need air conditioners that maximize indoor temperature reductions for the expended energy. This is particularly true at high outdoor temperatures. This study found that existing single speed air conditioners utilizing outdoor units,...
Sector Residential
End-use HVAC
Project Number PGE 0605
2007 - 2007
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Project SummaryResidential evaporative condensers offer effiency advantages over conventional air-cooled conditioners by utilizing evaporative cooling to improve condensing unit performance. The evaporative cooling process results in a 30-40F reduction in peak refrigerant condensing temperatures...
Sector Industrial
End-use Other
Project Number PGE 0604
2007 - 2006
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Project SummaryFume hoods keep laboratories safe and clean by removing unwanted gasses through filters and exhaust fans. But in the process, they consume considerable electricity. One laboratory fume hood uses as much electricity as three homes and produces the greenhouse gas emission equivalent of...
Sector Public
End-use Lighting
Project Number PGE 0714
2007 - 2008
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Project Summary:This report summarizes an LED street lighting assessment project conducted to study the applicability of LED luminaires in a street lighting application. In this project, LED lights replaced regular high pressure sodium (HPS) streetlights on several streets in Oakland, California....
Sector Commercial, Public, Other, Industrial, Residential
End-use Plug Load
Project Number PGE 0708
2007 - 2008
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Project SummaryFood processing facilities often have concurrent needs for chilling and heating water, operations that are generally provided by natural gas fired boilers and electric driven chillers. This study examines ThermoSorbersTM, combined chiller-heat pumps that provide simultaneous chilled...
Sector Commercial, Agricultural
End-use Process
Project Number PGE 0706
2007 - 2008
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Project Summary:This assessment measured the energy savings of a Mechanical Vapor Recompression (MVR) evaporation system compared to a triple effect evaporation system for the production of tomato paste. The MVR system used 89% less natural gas per pound of water evaporated than the triple-effect...
Sector Commercial, Agricultural
End-use Process
Project Number PGE 0705
2007 - 2008
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Project SummaryThe specific objective of the study was to analyze the energy consumption of the mechanical vapor recompression (MVR) milk evaporation system at Humboldt Creamery. The results of the MVR energy consumption rate are compared to the energy consumption of typical multi-effect...
Sector Commercial, Agricultural
End-use Process
Project Number PGE 0704
2007 - 2008
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Project SummaryTo prolong shelf life, produce such as lettuce, celery, and cauliflower must be pre-cooled to 35 ºF soon after harvest through the use of mobile vacuum refrigeration systems. Looking to reduce this energy use, this project evaluates the use of VFDs on the refrigeration and vacuum...
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The ETCC is funded in part by ratepayer dollars and the California IOU Emerging Technologies Program, the IOU Codes & Standards Planning & Coordination Subprograms, and the Demand Response Emerging Technologies (DRET) Collaborative programs under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. The municipal portion of this program is funded and administered by Sacramento Municipal Utility District and Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.