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Sector Residential
End-use Plug Loads and Appliances
Project Number DR12.10
2012 - 2013
This project will evaluate Energy Star Residential Clothes Washers for DR...
Sector Commercial
End-use Whole Building
Project Number DR12.07
2012 - 2014
This pilot is designed to encourage building owners to add DR capabilities to their facilities by offering LEED DR credit if the point is adopted. It is estimated that 58% of the some 1,400 LEED-certified buildings in SCE’s service territory, representing 18 million ft2, could earn the LEED DR...
Sector Residential
End-use Whole Building
Project Number DR12.30
2012 - 2014
This project aims to demonstrate use of a broadband/ZigBee gateway capable of meeting the CAISO’s requirements for DR bidding of sub-200-kW commercial and industrial DR loads into ancillary service markets. Engineers will lab test and demonstrate a new architecture that utilizes a smart meter, a...
Sector Commercial
End-use Whole Building
Project Number DR12.18
2012 - 2014
This project involves research into the next generation of home and building area network (HAN/BAN) energy management and control systems for residential and small commercial customer applications. To this end, the project will collect and incorporate research information on existing and documented...
Sector Commercial
End-use Process Loads
Project Number ET12SCE1990
2012 - 2012
Energy harvesting device that has activation and catalytic functions. By wrapping the device to the pipes containing flow of electricity, oil or other fossil fuel, this device harvests energy from the environment and resonant tunneling through inner portions of the pipes to activate flowing medium...
Sector Residential
End-use HVAC
Project Number ET13SCE7150
2012 - 2016
PDF Available
This project will leverage the efforts from ET13SCE7060 (Analysis of Next-Generation Home/Building Energy Management Systems) to conduct laboratory and field evaluations of currently available home/building area network systems. This activity will assess the systems’ effectiveness in implementing...
Sector Commercial
End-use Lighting
Project Number ET08SCE1071
2012 - 2013
PDF Available
The electrode-less HID light source is a new class of solid-state plasma light source that combines the best features of solid-state electronics and full spectrum plasma emitters. This lab evaluation is a phase 2 based on the recommendation of previous lab tests done by SCE. Technology has been...
Sector Commercial
End-use Process Loads
Project Number ET12SCE1080
2012 - 2012
PDF Available
Conveyor broilers are commercial food service appliances used in quick-service restaurants. Conveyor broilers apply heat to both the top and bottom of the food as it travels through the appliance on a steel conveyor belt. This project will validate savings claims for conveyor broilers at a major...
Sector Commercial
End-use Lighting
Project Number ET12SCE1970
2012 - 2012
PDF Available
This is a paper assessment of a site with diverse and plentiful opportunities for energy savings through the application of advanced technologies among its lighting and mechanical systems. The project is aimed at identifying the potential energy efficient opportunities with special focus in...
  • Pacific Gas & Electric Company logo
  • Southern California Edison Company logo
  • Southern California Gas Company logo
  • San Diego Gas & Electric Company logo
  • Sacramento Municipal Utility District logo
  • Los Angeles Department of Water and Power logo
  • CEC logo

Copyright © 2024 Energy Transition Coordinating Council. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

The ETCC is funded in part by ratepayer dollars and the California IOU Emerging Technologies Program, the IOU Codes & Standards Planning & Coordination Subprograms, and the Demand Response Emerging Technologies (DRET) Collaborative programs under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. The municipal portion of this program is funded and administered by Sacramento Municipal Utility District and Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.