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ET Summit 2019


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Ammi Amarnath

Senior Technical Executive, Energy Utilization Research Area, Electric Power Research Institute

Ammi Amarnath is a Sr. Technical Executive in EPRI’s Energy Utilization Research Area. He leads a team in the research, development, deployment, and market transformation of EE and DR technologies, including advanced refrigeration technologies for large commercial and industrial sectors and related smart technologies for smart grid integration. Amarnath has a Bachelor of Engineering (India) and a Master of Science (UC Santa Barbara) in chemical engineering. He also has an MBA from the University of Houston.


Nancy Ander

Deputy Director, Office of Sustainability, California Department of General Services

Nancy Ander is Deputy Director of the Office of Sustainability at the DGS. She is responsible for greening state facilities, including the development of sustainability policies in areas such as ZNE buildings and implementation of sustainability programs. Prior, Ander was Manager at SCE and led the planning of SCE’s energy efficiency and demand response portfolio. Before coming to SCE, she supported public policy at the CEC. Ander has a bachelor’s in civil engineering and is a professional engineer.


Kathleen Ave

Senior Climate Program Manager, Sacramento Municipal Utility District

Kathleen Ave is Senior Climate Program Manager in Energy Strategy, Research & Development at SMUD. Her work includes climate readiness, energy and water, regional heat pollution, natural refrigerants, local carbon mitigation, and land-based carbon initiatives. Prior, she was chair of the Capital Region Climate Readiness Collaborative, which focuses on planning for the physical impacts of climate change. A certified California Naturalist, Ave serves on the Technical Advisory Council of the California governor’s Integrated Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Program.


Gary Barsley

Senior Manager, Emerging Products & Technologies Program, Southern California Edison

Gary Barsley is a Senior Manager at SCE, responsible for the Emerging Products & Technologies Program, which assesses potential EE & DR technologies and accelerates their development and adoption. Previously, Barsley was Manager of Distributed Generation Programs at SCE for 7 years, including the CSI Solar, the SGIP, and NEM Programs. Barsley has a BS in mechanical and environmental engineering from UC Santa Barbara and an MBA with a marketing specialty from Cal State Fullerton.


Obadiah Bartholomy

Manager, Distributed Energy Strategy, Sacramento Municipal Utility District

Obadiah Bartholomy is the Manager of Distributed Energy Strategy at SMUD. His team is responsible for developing enterprise strategy for electric vehicles, building decarbonization, distributed solar and storage and load flexibility. Bartholomy has worked in research and strategy roles at SMUD for the past 17 years, focusing on climate policy and strategy, solar, and DERs.



Jan Berman

Director, Grid Innovation, Pacific Gas and Electric

Jan Berman is Director of Grid Innovation at PG&E. Since joining in 1987, she has held many roles, including Senior Director of Energy Efficiency Strategy. An ACEEE board member, she has served as board chair of CEE, on the NBI board, and on the E Source DSM Executive Council. Berman has a bachelor’s in mathematics from Whitman College, a master’s in operations research from Stanford University, and an MBA from the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley.


Antonio M. Bouza

Technology Manager, Building Technologies Office, U.S. Department of Energy

Antonio M. Bouza is Technology Manager of the U.S. DOE Building Technologies Office. He is the emerging technologies lead on HVAC, water heating, and appliances research. He is also the U.S. National Executive Committee delegate to the IEA’s Heat Pump Program. A member of ASME, SIAM, and ASHRAE, Bouza has a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Maryland at College Park and a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Johns Hopkins University.


Steve Chalk

VP, Strategic Marketing Innovations

During his 29 years at the DOE, Steve Chalk directed clean energy technology programs in senior executive posts, including Deputy Assistant Secretary (DAS) for Renewable Power, DAS for Energy Efficiency, DAS for Sustainable Transportation, and DAS for Operations. Earlier, he directed R&D programs in solar energy, hydrogen and fuel cells, building energy efficiency, and tritium production research. Chalk has received three Presidential Rank Awards and the Partnership for Public Service’s Science and Environment medal.


Dallen Coulter

Engineer, Southern California Edison

Dallen Coulter is an engineer at SCE who specializes in project management of energy-efficiency-focused projects with stakeholders, including technical and policy oversight toward achieving energy efficiency program goals. Most recently, Coulter has been planning and coordinating with various stakeholders on the potential impacts of Normalized Metered Energy Consumption within programs and energy efficiency.


Ruth Ann Davis

VP, Strategic Markets & Relationships, Williams

Ruth Ann Davis has been employed by Williams for 29 years and serves the HVACR industry as an advocate of energy and the environment through utilities, AGA, ESC, C4BES, AHRI, HRAI, HARDI, and WHVACR. Williams will release heating products with 37 percent improved efficiency and ultra-low NOx, CO, and methane that improve furnace operation and control, provide greater comfort and safety, and reduce costs.


Paul Delaney

Senior Engineer, Southern California Edison

Paul Delaney is a Technology Area Lead at SCE. Prior, Delaney was VP for the American Utility Network and a national account manager for Edison Source. He has a Bachelor of Science in environmental engineering from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.



Nicholas Docous 

Principal, Lionakis 

As a Principal at Lionakis, Nicholas Docous brings over 35 years of experience in the design and construction industry. Docous leads the firm’s Civic Market and has extensive experience in the planning, design, and construction of dozens of mission critical projects. He understands the full range of emerging technologies that impact the management and execution of projects, and his approach is integrative and collaborative.


Ron Domitrovic

Program Manager, Electric Power Research Institute

Ron Domitrovic, as Program Manager of End-Use Energy Efficiency and Demand Response at the EPRI, is responsible for guiding research related to end-use equipment, including lighting, data centers, appliances, air conditioning, and refrigeration. Prior, he was President of Redwood Electric Corp. and had conducted research at Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Building Technologies Center. Domitrovic has a BS from Carnegie Mellon University, an MS from the University of Florida, and a PhD from the University of Tennessee.


Bryan Dove

Director, Asset Management, Mutual Housing California

At Mutual Housing California, Bryan Dove is responsible for the overall performance of the affordable housing portfolio. He plans physical improvements, sustains investor and lender relationships, evaluates refinancing opportunities, and directs sustainability initiatives. Prior, he was an asset manager and housing developer with nonprofit affordable housing agencies. Dove has a master’s in urban design and planning with a specialization in real estate development from the University of Washington and a bachelor’s from UC Irvine.


Anne Eisele

Director, Projects and Energy Management, Pomona College

Anne Eisele is Director of Projects and Energy Management at Pomona College, responsible for developing and implementing its path to carbon neutrality by 2030. Eisele leads the new construction and major renovations; manages the electric, gas, and water to assure efficient use and operations; and promotes a socially engaged environment that provides active learning experiences and small footprints. Eisele has an MBA from Loyola University Maryland and a BS in mechanical engineering from The University of Kansas.


Kim Erickson

Principal Program Manager, Consortium for Energy Efficiency

Kim Erickson, Principal Program Manager at the CEE, has been managing its Emerging Technologies Collaborative since 2014, working with emerging opportunities program managers from across the U.S. and Canada to enable more effective consideration of new energy program opportunities. Prior, Erickson spent 6 years on CEE’s Commercial Team, managed a foodservice equipment dealership, and worked with environmental advocacy organizations. She has a BA in geography from Johns Hopkins University and an MBA from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.


Edward R. Estberg

Refrigeration Consultant, Raley’s

Edward R. Estberg has been a Refrigeration Consultant for Raley’s since 2009. Before that, he was the company’s Senior Director of Facilities for 20 years. Prior to his roles at Raley’s, Estberg was President of Refrigeration Design Contractors from 1974 to 1989, and from 1965 to 1974, he was Installation and Service Manager of Hussmann’s Sacramento branch.



Farrah Farzaneh

Director, Facilities Planning & Construction, San Bernardino Community College District

Farrah Farzaneh is Director of Facilities Planning & Construction for San Bernardino Community College District. She has 11 years of program management, project management, and construction management experience, from inception to closeout. Farzaneh is a Certified Construction Manager, certified Design Build Professional, and a credentialed LEED expert (LEED AP BD+C). She has a master’s in construction management and a bachelor’s in business administration with an emphasis in real estate development and finance from USC.


Ryan Fedie

Engineering Manager, Bonneville Power Administration

Ryan Fedie crafts his work to lead the transition to a more efficient economy powered by a clean and modern electric grid. At BPA, Fedie has lead the energy efficiency engineering department and research and emerging technology programs and been heavily involved in regional and national research efforts. More recently, Fedie has been executing BPA’s top priorities by driving programs and culture change to advance grid planning, non-wires, grid modernization, and real-time operations across power and transmission.


Yuri Freedman

Senior Director, Business Development, SoCalGas

As Senior Director of Business Development for SoCalGas, Yuri Freedman identifies growth opportunities in the utility’s service territory and manages R&D. Prior, he worked in various roles for Sempra Energy and its divisions, including feed gas transportation solutions for Sempra LNG & Midstream as Director of Commercial Development. He has an MS in engineering geology from Lomonosov Moscow State University, a PhD in environmental science and energy research from Weizmann Institute of Science, and an MBA from Yale.


Bob French

Chief Evangelist, 75F

Bob French is Chief Evangelist with 75F, a fast-growing clean tech startup recently backed by Breakthrough Energy Ventures and the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative. French has worked with several utility emerging technology programs to test the breakthrough energy savings potential of AI-powered predictive and proactive building control systems.



Jessica Granderson

Staff Scientist and Deputy for Research Programs, Building Technology and Urban Systems Division, Berkeley Lab

Dr. Jessica Granderson is a Staff Scientist and the Deputy of Research Programs for the Building Technology and Urban Systems Division at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Dr. Granderson has a PhD from UC Berkeley and an AB from Harvard University, both in mechanical engineering. Her research focuses on building energy performance monitoring and diagnostics, advanced measurement and verification, and intelligent lighting controls. In 2015, she received the C3E Award for leadership in research.


Michael Groppi

COO / Chief Engineer, Energy & Sustainability, CBRE

Michael Groppi is responsible for CBRE’s global utility data aggregation/analysis systems, the development of new energy and sustainability solutions, investigation of cutting-edge technologies, thought leadership, supplier screening, and management of E&S supplier alliances. He also supports CBRE operations / business development teams and serves as the Chief Engineer for the CBRE Energy & Sustainability team.


Alyssa Gutner-Davis

Program Manager, Southern California Energy Innovation Network, Cleantech San Diego

As Program Manager for Cleantech San Diego, Alyssa Gutner-Davis oversees the Southern California Energy Innovation Network (SCEIN), an incubator program funded by a CEC grant. SCEIN provides clean energy startups with free services that accelerate their commercialization. Prior, she was an International Entrepreneur Coordinator for Keiretsu Forum and connected U.S.-based entrepreneurs with angel investor groups in Bangalore, India. She also served as Director of International Alliances and Partnerships for USI Accelerator, which matches U.S. startups with Indian businesses and customers.


Cathy Higgins

Research Director, New Buildings Institute

NBI Research Director Cathy Higgins has over 25 years in energy efficiency strategic planning, research, policy, and large-scale project management. At NBI, she manages work involving zero energy (ZE) buildings, measured performance, emerging technologies, and market assessment. Higgins is leading a $5 million field demonstration in Los Angeles of shading and lighting technologies. Recent projects include the New York Getting to Zero Status Report and a gap analysis of California ZE emerging technologies.


Thomas Howard

President, Lee’s Air

Thomas Howard is President and Partner of Lee’s Air in Fresno, California. Howard has been in the industry for about 20 years and purchased his own company 7 years ago. Lee’s Air focuses on the residential and light commercial retrofit and replacement market. In business since 1981, the company currently employs 72 people.



Guangwei Huang

Associate Director, Food Research and Technology, Almond Board of California

Guangwei Huang joined Almond Board of California (ABC) in 2001 with 7 years of experience in food testing, quality assurance, and almond production. Since then, Huang has managed research in food safety, almond quality, almond and by-product utilization, and inhull almond drying technologies for more than 17 years. He also represents ABC to food industry and global trade as an in-house technical expert.



Karl Johnson

Founder & CEO, BeyondFire

Karl Johnson, Founder and CEO of BeyondFire, has 40 years of experience leading energy efficient technology innovation, demonstrations, deployment, market connection, strategic planning, and policy development with Stanford University, utility companies, EPRI, CIEE at UC Berkeley, CEC, and the CPUC as well as consulting. Johnson’s main focus is on zero carbon solutions, including zero net energy solutions, direct-current building microgrids, embodied carbon of buildings, and sustainable utility infrastructures.


Drew L. Johnstone

Sustainability Analyst, City of Santa Monica

Drew L. Johnstone is in the City of Santa Monica’s Office of Sustainability and the Environment. He is responsible for implementing green building and energy policy and administering programs that help Santa Monica achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.




David Jump

Director, kW Engineering

Professional engineer David Jump is a Director at kW Engineering with 22 years’ experience providing project development, retro-commissioning, and M&V services to utilities and commercial/industrial customers. Jump contributed to the FEMP M&V Guidelines, ASHRAE Guideline 14, and the IPMVP, among others. He has developed M&V software and validation protocols for proprietary M&V methods and researched the benefits of using advanced modeling methods with smart meter data. He currently helps California program administrators design and implement meter-based efficiency programs.


Bryan Jungers

Lead Analyst, Technology Assessment, E Source

Bryan Jungers conducts research on emerging, energy efficient, and distributed energy resource technologies. He has over 15 years of experience as an energy engineer and research analyst, including for EPRI, the CEC, and UC Davis. Jungers worked as a research manager and product manager before becoming a Lead Analyst at E Source. He holds a BS in environmental engineering from Humboldt State University and an MS in civil and environmental engineering from UC Davis.


Aaron Katzenstein

Manager, Science & Technology Advancement, South Coast Air Quality Management District

Aaron Katzenstein is the laboratory manager at the South Coast AQMD, where his duties include climate- and energy-related projects, policies, and incentives. He has helped implement and develop incentive-based efficiency programs that help improve air quality. Currently, he is facilitating efficiency projects for the South Coast AQMD’s headquarters. He received his doctorate in atmospheric chemistry at UC Irvine, where he studied atmospheric interactions with refrigerants along with other urban and global air pollutants.


Aanchal Kohli

Air Resources Engineer, California Air Resources Board

At the California Air Resources Board, Dr. Aanchal Kohli develops policies and regulations to reduce emissions of F-gas from the refrigeration and air-conditioning sector. Dr. Kohli has worked with local governments and environmental nonprofits on air pollution, climate change, and renewable energy and developed an app to increase air pollution awareness and public health protection. Dr. Kohli has a doctorate in environmental science and engineering and a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from UCLA.


Kevin Langham

Senior Project Manager, PowWow Energy

Kevin Langham is Senior Project Manager at PowWow Energy, where his roles include being manager of large agency and utility projects, product manager, and technical marketing lead. Langham previously earned an MS in environmental science and management at UC Santa Barbara, where he focused on renewable energy, life cycle assessment, and strategic communications. Langham has worked directly with California growers for 4 years, helping them maximize water and energy efficiency with innovative technology.


John Larrea

Director, Government Affairs, California League of Food Producers

John Larrea is Director of Government Affairs for CLFP, a statewide nonprofit trade association that represents food processors with production facilities in California. CLFP’s current membership includes some of the most prominent brand names in the food industry as well as private label and institutional food products. Larrea has over 30 years of experience in government relations in California. He joined CLFP in 2010 and covers climate change, energy, and air quality issues.


Good Person (G.P.) Li

Division Director, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology

Dr. Good Person (G.P.) Li is a professor at UC Irvine, with appointments in electrical engineering and computer science, and biomedical engineering. At UCI, he also serves as Division Director of Calit2 and Director of the CalPlug research center. Li holds 33 U.S. patents, has 15 patents pending, and has published more than 400 research papers involving microelectronic technologies, microwave circuit design, microelectromechanical systems for communication and biomedical instrumentation applications, and IoT for energy efficiency.


Frank Loge

Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UC Davis; Director, Center for Water-Energy Efficiency, UC Davis

Frank Loge began his career studying water and wastewater treatment and has since expanded to the interconnected relationship between energy, water, and GHG emissions. He advocates for fundamental research to advance knowledge, as well as the development and deployment of technologies or policies that improve environmental quality and the efficiency of resource consumption. A licensed professional engineer, Dr. Loge has a PhD in civil and environmental engineering from UC Davis.


Chris Malotte

Senior Advisor, Southern California Edison

At SCE, Chris Malotte helps manage the regulatory, policy, and strategy aspects of SCE’s Public Sector demand-side management (DSM) programs. Malotte’s experience includes developing new public sector programs, managing the Statewide Energy Efficiency Collaborative, and being SCE coordination lead for SoCalREN and Tri County REN. Prior to SCE, Malotte worked at APS in Arizona, managing electric vehicle and renewables programs and assessing new technologies’ role in the changing utility landscape.


Caton Mande

R&D Engineer, Western Cooling Efficiency Center, UC Davis

Caton Mande is an R&D Engineer with 8 years of applied research experience. His work focuses on high-quality measurements and data acquisition to assess the performance of HVAC systems, and he has conducted studies on a number of emerging cooling strategies, including condenser-air precooling, indirect evaporative cooling, and retrofit radiant cooling systems. Mande has a BS in biomedical engineering from UC Davis and an MS in computer science from the Georgia Institute of Technology.


Ryan McFadyen

Engineer, Building Electrification, Southern California Edison

Ryan McFadyen is a professional mechanical engineer with 12 years of experience in the field of energy engineering, supporting energy efficiency and demand response utility incentive programs. His areas of expertise include energy modeling and California Title 24 energy standards. Recently, McFadyen has begun working in the areas of building decarbonization and electrification.



Keshmira McVey

Program Manager, Energy Efficiency Emerging Technology, Bonneville Power Administration

Keshmira McVey is Bonneville Power Administration’s Energy Efficiency Emerging Technology Program Manager. She oversees a multimillion-dollar energy efficiency research portfolio. Her team uses an emerging technologies framework to “fill the pipeline” with commercially available energy efficiency strategies and technologies for the future. She holds a Bachelor of Science in conservation resources from UC Berkeley and a Juris Doctorate in environmental law from Lewis & Clark Law School in Portland, Oregon.


Mark Milby

Manager, Energy Efficiency R&D, Commonwealth Edison

Mark Milby leads emerging technology efforts to drive the evolution of ComEd’s $350-million-per-year energy efficiency portfolio and help ensure that ComEd can cost-effectively meet aggressive future energy savings goals. ComEd provides electric service to Chicago and northern Illinois, or 70 percent of the state’s population. Prior to ComEd, Milby served as a program manager for the Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance. He has degrees from Indiana University and the University of Georgia.


Mark Modera

Director, Energy and Efficiency Institute / Western Cooling Efficiency Center, UC Davis

Mark Modera in the faculty director of both the EEI and the WCEC at UC Davis, research centers that have conducted numerous projects over the past decade for the emerging technology programs and the CEC. One large project underway is the development of an Energy Efficiency Hub to readily provide unbiased analyses of distributed energy resources to institutional purchasers of energy end-use products. Dr. Modera has devoted his entire career to energy efficiency products and strategies.


Sarah Monohon

Consultant, Evergreen Economics

Sarah Monohon, Consultant at Evergreen Economics, uses the R and SQL programming languages to develop and implement analytical solutions. Responsible for data cleaning and analysis, complex statistical modeling, and developing web tools with interactive graphics and dashboards, Monohon was the lead analyst during the development and testing of Evergreen’s AMI Customer Segmentation modeling approach. Currently, she estimates individual and pooled baseline models for commercial chain businesses to test the feasibility of a streamlined NMEC program.


Eric Noller

Principal, Energy Resources Integration

Eric Noller, Principal at ERI, is focused on energy efficiency program design, implementation planning, and strategic sector-based product development. He oversees the engineering team and provides direct client support ranging from program and product development to outreach strategy. Noller directs ERI’s efforts for utility energy efficiency programs, including integrated energy audits, technical reviews, workpapers, and program research. He has bachelor’s and master’s degrees in mechanical engineering, and he is a licensed professional engineer.


Randy Opdyke

Energy Efficiency Manager, Planning, Evaluation and Analytics, Nicor Gas

Randy Opdyke is Energy Efficiency Manager of Planning, Evaluation and Analytics at Nicor Gas and manages the Emerging Technology and Market Transformation Programs. With a bachelor’s in industrial management from Purdue University’s Krannert School of Management, he’s a certified Project Management Professional, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, and Agile Scrum Master. Opdyke has 2 years’ experience as Plant Manager of a steel service center and 18 years’ experience in the steel industry as Senior Project Engineer.


Abhijeet Pande

VP, Research and Technology Commercialization, TRC

Abhijeet Pande, VP of Research and Technology Commercialization at TRC, leads a team of consultants and partners in maximizing energy savings through developing holistic approaches that combine innovative efficiency solutions, emerging technologies, demand response, renewable energy generation, and other distributed energy resources. One focus of his work is tech-to-market initiatives that move innovative ideas into the marketplace through demonstrations, programs, and codes.


Jim Parks

Director, Customer Care and Marketing, Sacramento Municipal Utility District

Jim Parks is currently on loan to Valley Clean Energy, a community choice aggregator serving most of Yolo County, California. As the Director of Customer Care and Marketing, he oversees customer outreach, marketing initiatives, development of customer programs, and more. He has worked in the utility industry for 30 years.



Helle Petersen

Project Manager, Water, Energy and Technology Center, Fresno State

Helle Petersen joined the WET Center at Fresno State in 2011, where she serves as Program Manager. She has actively worked in innovation and entrepreneurship for most of her career, first as part of the Central Valley Business Incubator and later at Fresno State and the WET Center. Petersen earned a Master of Science in environmental engineering from the Technical University of Denmark and is an alum of Fresno State’s MBA program.


David Phillips

Associate VP, Energy and Sustainability, University of California, Office of the President

David Phillips provides strategic leadership for energy and sustainability initiatives across the University of California, which includes ten campuses, five medical centers, and three national labs. One key focus is developing plans and actions to reach systemwide carbon neutrality by 2025. Phillips was formerly Director of Utilities at UC Davis, where he managed its city-scale water, waste, and energy systems. Phillips has a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from UC Davis and is a California-registered professional engineer.


Mary Ann Piette

Director, Building Technology & Urban Systems Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Mary Ann Piette is a Senior Scientist, Director of the Building Technology and Urban Systems Division, and Senior Science Advisor to the Associate Lab Director of Energy Technologies Area at LBNL, where she oversees building energy research activities with the U.S. DOE and over twenty-five other R&D sponsors. She has a MS in mechanical engineering from UC Berkeley and a licentiate in building services engineering from the Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden.


Theresa Pistochini

Engineering Manager, Energy and Efficiency Institute, UC Davis

Theresa Pistochini is the Engineering Manager at the UC Davis Energy and Efficiency Institute (EEI). With 10 years of experience in applied research in energy efficiency in buildings, Pistochini led the development and construction of the HVAC testing laboratory in 2013 and provides technical management for the EEI engineering staff, reviewing project progress, including experimental plans, analyses, results, and publications. Pistochini earned her MS from UC Davis and is a professional engineer.


Kevin M. Powell

Director, Emerging Building Technologies, U.S. General Services Administration

Kevin M. Powell, Director of Emerging Building Technologies for the GSA’s Public Buildings Service (PBS) and Program Director for the GSA Proving Ground (GPG), identifies innovative technologies, practices, and processes that optimize how PBS designs, delivers, and operates over 185 million square feet of federal real estate. With two decades in building science, design research. and policy analysis, Powell manages over twenty active test-bed projects in next-generation building envelope, energy management, HVAC, lighting, and lighting control systems.


Soren Rasmussen

Managing Director, Green Hydraulic Power

Soren Rasmussen has been the Managing Director at Green Hydraulic Power since its inception in 2017. He has mainly been focusing on bringing awareness to this emerging technology by reaching out to power utility and energy consulting companies. Born and raised in Denmark, a country on the forefront of energy preservation for many decades, he is very passionate about carbon-footprint-reducing technologies.


Mark Rehley

Senior Manager, Emerging Technology and Product Management, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance

Mark Rehley is Senior Manager of Emerging Technology and Product Management for NEEA, which he joined 10 years ago after 20-plus years of engineering and management positions in the high-tech industry. His emphasis is on discovering commercially available energy-efficient products, services, and best practices with limited adoption in the Northwest. Rehley has a bachelor’s in mechanical engineering from Oregon State University and a master’s in management of science and technology from Oregon Health & Science University.


Roland Risser

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Renewable Power, U.S. Department of Energy

A consultant on energy management and renewable power projects, Roland Risser is former U.S. DOE Deputy Assistant Secretary for Renewable Power and was responsible for solar, geothermal, wind, and water power programs. Prior to DOE, he was Director of Customer Energy Efficiency for PG&E, a member of the National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency Leadership Group, Chairman of CEE, and board member of ACEEE. Currently, he is Chairman of the ISO 50001 Technical Committee on Energy Management.


Gene Rodrigues


Gene Rodrigues, VP at ICF, works with utilities and governments to envision, plan, and implement distributed clean energy policies, programs, and initiatives. Rodrigues also serves on the board of directors of the ACEEE, as Vice Chair of the California Efficiency + Demand Management Council, and as Co-Chair of the Alliance to Save Energy’s Honorable Charles H. Percy Society. Prior to ICF, Rodrigues oversaw SCE’s portfolio of DSM and customer assistance programs for 23 years.


Janea A. Scott

Vice Chair, California Energy Commission

One of five CEC Commissioners, Janea A. Scott serves as Vice Chair and lead Commissioner on the EPIC program. Prior, Scott worked at the U.S. Department of the Interior as Deputy Counselor for Renewable Energy and at Environmental Defense Fund as a senior attorney in the climate and air program. She earned her JD from the University of Colorado Law School and her MS and BS in earth systems from Stanford University.


Alison Silverstein

Consultant, Alison Silverstein Consulting

Alison Silverstein consults on grid reliability and resilience, clean energy, and advanced energy technologies. She has written a number of major DOE studies and advised private, federal, and state government clients. Silverstein has worked at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Texas Public Utility Commission, and PG&E. She serves on the board of ACEEE.



Katie Sloan

Director, eMobility and Building Electrification, Southern California Edison

Katie Sloan is Director of eMobility and Building Electrification at SCE, responsible for vehicle and building electrification programs and services, with a planned budget of over $1 billion. Named one of “40 under 40” people to watch by Pasadena Magazine, Sloan serves on the boards of CALSTART and Beyond the Block. She has a master’s degree in regulatory economics and a bachelor’s degree in business administration from New Mexico State University.


Erik Stokes

Manager, California Energy Commission

Erik Stokes heads the Energy Deployment and Market Facilitation Office at the CEC, where he and his team oversee programs to foster clean energy entrepreneurship across the state. Stokes has been with the commission for 12 years, all with the Research and Development Division. Prior, he worked in the computer sector, helping develop next-generation data storage technologies. Stokes has a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering and a master’s degree in business administration.


Sharon Tomkins

VP, Strategy and Engagement, SoCalGas

Sharon Tomkins is VP of Strategy and Engagement at SoCalGas. Prior, she was a partner at O’Melveny & Myers LLP and founding member of the firm’s Energy, Natural Resources & Environmental practice. She also developed and taught Energy Law, Policy & Climate Change at UCLA School of Law. Tomkins graduated Order of the Coif from the USC Gould School of Law and received her undergraduate degree in English, with High Distinction, from PennState.


Nneka Uzoh

Director, Energy Innovation, Elemental Excelerator

Nneka Uzoh is Director of Energy Innovation at Elemental Excelerator. She leads Elemental’s energy vertical and supports its energy portfolio companies on their path to scale, leveraging her experience incorporating innovation into PG&E and NextEra Energy Resources and creating inventive solutions to address underlying issues. In her roles, Uzoh has ushered billion-dollar deals and projects related to mergers and acquisitions, capital investments, energy and sustainability, customer strategy and experience, innovation, and organizational design.


Chris Vallis

Cofounder & COO, Livingstone Consulting

Driven by the growing, more urbanized population and the need to develop a totally sustainable built environment, Livingstone Consulting cofounder and COO Chris Vallis leads a team of engineering consultants and designers, providing the knowledge, expertise, and ideas to pioneer sustainable change. After 15 years of working in the U.K., Vallis is exploring broader challenges, such as Livingstone Consulting’s growing work in North America.


Danielle Wright

Executive Director, North American Sustainable Refrigeration Council

Danielle Wright is the executive director of the NASRC, a nonprofit organization dedicated to reducing the environmental impact of commercial refrigeration. For the past decade, she has been working in the grocery and food retail sector with a focus on energy efficiency and sustainability. Prior to her current role, she managed the PG&E EnergySmart Grocer program to implement energy-saving retrofits in supermarkets.


Stephanie Yanchinski

Executive Director, FLOW/Rocket Fund, The Resnick Sustainability Institute, California Institute of Technology

As FLOW/Rocket Fund Executive Director, Stephanie Yanchinski oversees the commercialization programs at Caltech's Resnick Sustainability Institute. Trained as a scientist, Yanchinski built a successful consulting company serving a diverse high-tech clientele, seeking finance and partners, in London, Europe, Singapore, and Canada. At Caltech, she’s helped over 300 cleantech companies and launched the Rocket Fund, in partnership with SCE, PG&E, SDG&E, SCG, SMUD, LADWP, and the Moxie Foundation.


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Copyright © 2025 Energy Transition Coordinating Council. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

The ETCC is funded in part by ratepayer dollars and the California IOU Emerging Technologies Program, the IOU Codes & Standards Planning & Coordination Subprograms, and the Demand Response Emerging Technologies (DRET) Collaborative programs under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. The municipal portion of this program is funded and administered by Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.