Hyatt Regency Specials
Need a place to stay? Book your hotel at the Sacramento Hyatt and SAVE! A block of rooms has been set aside at special conference rates for 2010 ET Summit attendees.Get Special ET Summit Rates »
Summit Sponsors
The ETCC would like to recognize the following entities for their generous support
of the 2010 Emerging Technologies Summit.
Silver Sponsors
Marketing Partners
Summit Badge Sponsor
Sponsorship Opportunities
The following sponsorship opportunities have been created to offer your company increased exposure to the ET Summit audience. ETCC offers many great ways to enhance your visibility with decision-making attendees and industry professionals at the 2010 ET Summit.
Sponsorship Benefits:
Because ET Summit sponsors make it possible to provide essential or enhanced services and activities to attendees, all sponsors will receive the recognition benefits listed below in addition to those unique to each sponsorship opportunity.
- Website recognition with your organization’s link from the ET conference website
- Pre-show industry recognition on marketing material (printed pieces/electronic communications)
- Acknowledgement in the ET Summit Program and Exhibit Guide
- Your logo on signage displayed through out the show
- Sponsor ribbons on your company attendee/staff badges
- Complimentary Conference registrations to the ET Summit
Why Should You Sponsor?
The ET Summit brings together top industry experts to discuss the latest innovations in energy-efficient technologies and practices. In fact, the Summit draws professionals from all sectors of government, business and industry nationwide including:
- Architects and Builders
- Building Operators/Owners
- Consultants - Lighting, HVAC and Energy Service Professionals
- Contractors and Third Parties (subcontractors)
- Directors of Facilities, Finance, Energy Planning, Engineering, Property Management and Operations
- Energy and Sustainability Planning Managers, Energy Consultants for Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Customers, Energy Coordinators, Energy Engineers and Managers
- Engineers - Mechanical, Electrical, Civil
- Facility Managers
- Financial Analysts & Institutions
- Government Facility Managers
- Industrial and Commercial End Users
- Investors, Venture Capitalists, and Angel Fund Managers
- Manufacturers
- Patent Firms
- Plant Managers and Plant Engineers
- Presidents & Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents of Operations
- Project Managers
- Research and Development Professionals
- Utilities Representatives
Many of these professionals base their own purchases and product and services recommendations on the exposure they have to the Summit’s exhibits and sponsors. Sponsorship opportunities are available at a variety of levels and price points.
Sponsorship Levels
ETCC has created sponsorship levels to fit your budget. Become an Exclusive Host or partner with other sponsors to support these activities.
Platinum Level – $20,000
- 10' x 10' booth space
- Four (4) complimentary Summit registrations
- Listing in Exhibitor Guide
- Platinum Level acknowledgment in conference materials and on website
Gold Level – $10,000
- 10' x 10' booth space
- Three (3) complimentary Summit registrations
- Listing in Exhibitor Guide
- Gold Level acknowledgment in conference materials and on website
Silver Level– $5,000
- 10' x 10' booth space
- Two (2) complimentary Summit registrations
- Listing in Exhibitor Guide
- Silver Level acknowledgment in conference materials and on website
Exhibitor – $1,250
- 10' x 10' booth space
- One (1) complimentary Summit registration
- Listing in Exhibitor Guide
The Welcome and Networking Receptions provide an outstanding opportunity to reach and interact with participants and attendees. Become an Exclusive Host or you can team up with partners to sponsor these events. (Sponsors will receive onsite and promotional recognition. In addition to the standard benefits, Exclusive Hosts will receive one exhibit space and partner sponsors will qualify for a discounted exhibit space).
Welcome Reception (11/7/10)
- Exclusive Host: $15,000
- Partner Sponsor: $3,750 (limited to 4 partners)
Networking Reception (11/8/10)
- Exclusive Host: $20,000
- Partner Sponsor: $5,000 (limited to 4 partners)
Breakfasts (2)
Breakfast (11/8/10)
- Exclusive Host: $15,000
- Partner Sponsor: $3,750(limited to 4 partners)
Breakfast (11/9/10)
- Exclusive Host: $15,000
- Partner Sponsor: $3,750 (limited to 4 partners)
General Sessions
The General Sessions will be a focal point and highlight for attendees, providing sponsors the opportunity to reach speakers, conference attendees and seminar delegates. The keynote addresses at these general sessions will delve into the “hot and important” topics of the day. Become an Exclusive Host or team up with other sponsors to partner these events. (Sponsors will receive onsite and promotional recognition. In addition to the standard sponsor benefits, Exclusive Hosts will receive one exhibit space and partner sponsors will qualify for discounted exhibit space).
General Session Keynote Lunches (2)
Main Keynote Lunch (11/8/10)
- Exclusive Host: $25,000
- Partner Sponsor: $5,000 (limited to 5 partners)
Keynote Lunch (11/9/10)
- Exclusive Host: $25,000
- Partner Sponsor: $5,000 (limited to 5 partners)
Track Sessions
The breakout track sessions will give sponsors the opportunity to support specific topics that are relevant to their business. Become an Exclusive Host or you can team up with other partners to sponsor a Breakout Room/Track. (Sponsors will receive onsite and promotional recognition. In addition to the standard benefits, Exclusive Hosts will receive one exhibit space and partner sponsors will qualify for discounted exhibit space.)
Please contact Karl Baur, CMP at karl@rdlent.com or 916.443.0218 for more information about sponsoring workshop Tracks.
Additional Sponsorship Opportunities
The ET Summit has additional ways to support and sponsor this event.
“Green” Tote Bags
- Sponsor - $5,000
- Partner Sponsor - $2,500 (limited to 2 partners)
In addition to the standard benefits, sponsors may qualify for a discounted exhibit space. Download the Sponsorship Application.
For More Information
Karl Baur, CMP, Exhibitor Coordinator
Tel: 916.443.0218
Fax: 916.443.2037
Email: Karl@RDLent.com
Hyatt Regency Sacramento Reservations
Special rates are available at the Hyatt Regency Sacramento for conference attendees. If you are planning to stay at the Hyatt, you must book your accommodations before October 29, 2010 to qualify for the special rates.