Laboratory cold storage solutions such as refrigerators and freezers are critical to keeping valuable reagents and samples safe in biotechnology, pharmaceutical, university, government, and healthcare research laboratories. High performance laboratory grade refrigerators and freezers are designed...
The existing commercial foodservice (CFS) measures offered in California (CA) incentive programs are the most common pieces of equipment for this industry. Many of these measures will be considered for appliance code standards in the coming years or removed from programs due to the gas incentive...
The proposed project will develop a new, commercial cooktop, fuel substitution measure in the CA eTRM for use in the CA Instant Rebates midstream foodservice program and appropriate IOU downstream programs. The existing measure package, SWFS026, for both commercial electric and gas cooktops will be...
Laboratory cold storage solutions such as freezers, refrigerators, and cryogenic storage tanks are critical to keeping valuable reagents and priceless samples safe. Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers (ULTs) are designed for laboratory applications that maintain set point storage temperatures between...
This Final Project Report summarizes the findings of PG&E’s Code Readiness Subprogram DOAS Field Research project, which collected dedicated outdoor air systems (DOAS) and variable refrigerant flow (VRF) system data from eight field sites. DOAS ventilation, which separates outdoor...
This market characterization study builds on the efforts and findings of the 2022/2023 CalNEXT Residential Housing Characteristics Study ET22SWE0022. The ET22SWE0022 study's objectives were to:
• Characterize existing DAC single family residence (SFR) building stock through publicly available...
VEIC proposes a market study of energy efficiency for medical devices. The market study will quantify the potential for energy savings, identify device types with opportunity for higher efficiency, define the mechanisms for achieving higher efficiency, and recommend efforts for achieving higher...
The proposed project will continue the measure package development process for residential high-efficiency windows, picking up where project ET23SWE0043 ends. The proposed project will provide measure package development support from the point of Cal TF submission of the measure package to CPUC...
The proposed project will continue the measure package development process for commercial high efficiency windows, picking up where project ET23SWE0018 ends. The proposed project will provide measure package development support from the point of Cal TF submission of the measure package suitable for...
The proposed idea is to provide recommendations for updates around adding plug-in 120-volt heat pump water heaters (HPWHs) for inclusion into existing residential HPWH related eTRM measure packages.
The 120-volt HPWHs are market-ready and proven to be important new offerings. It is estimated...