The proposed project aims to conduct a comprehensive market study focused on production line heat recovery systems within the industrial and manufacturing sectors. Heat recovery systems play a crucial role in improving energy efficiency and sustainability for various industrial processes, and their...
Advanced Electric Motors in this pilot are defined as electric motors with energy efficiency levels above current federal conservation standards published by DOE in 2014, which encompasses those listed on the 2022 Focused Pilot TPM as well as additional advanced motor technologies .[1] The...
This technology focused pilot is part of another project with Clean O2 where field testing will be separately performed. The separate GET project with CleanO2 will involve field testing on the CarbinX Unit.
This project will be a market study that seeks to identify barriers implementing the...
This project will explore the market potential and evaluate the impact of smart controls technologies on Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA), which involves the cultivation and manufacturing of food and floriculture products. The focus is on automated, integrated, and intelligent environmental...
Heat pump space conditioning and water heating can greatly reduce energy consumption compared to existing electric resistance or natural gas combustion options. Requirements for electrical service upgrades add cost and installation delays for customers considering retrofitting heat pumps for space...
Implementing more efficient electric motors can greatly reduce the amount of energy used, save money, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Many new electric motor technologies promise higher efficiency, particularly in variable speed applications. However, end-users are reluctant to switch from...
The project scope is to replace propane fueled stoves in the Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria, with 120V induction stoves that have an internal battery. The results of the project will include providing the IOUs with electrical operational data, customer testimonials, and...
While HVAC heat pumps (HP) and heat pump water heaters (HPWH) continue to grow in market share for California (CA) single-family households, upfront cost remains a significant barrier to market transformation. Legislation, incentives, and education efforts have all motivated electrification....
The proposed project is to develop a “Craft Brewery Industrial Heat Pump Screening Tool” to assess the viability of potential industrial heat pump (IHP) installations for small and medium business (SMB) craft breweries. The proposed tool will screen IHP performance specifications for typical...
Smart electrical panels, an emerging product category, can provide a number of energy efficiency and electrification benefits to single family residential buildings. These panels replace or augment typical electrical panels and include monitoring and control capabilities of each individual...