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Quarterly Meeting on Residential Market Segment


Residential Energy Solutions

Co-hosted by Los Angeles Department of Water & Power, Sacramento Municipal Utility District and the California Energy Commission

This ETCC meeting will convene experts from industry, research, utility and government entities working towards solutions to today’s pressing residential sector energy challenges. Speakers will discuss energy efficiency in the context of California’s climate goals, innovative technologies to trim residential plug loads, advances to address existing homes and apartments based on recent building science and legislative developments, and the integration of distibuted generation with energy efficiency on the path to zero net energy residences.

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9:30 AM   | Breakfast and Networking

10:00 AM | Safety and ETCC Updates

Mark Fernandes, Emerging Technology Program Manager, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power

10:10 AM | Welcome Remarks & Overview of California's Climate Goals and the Importance of Energy Efficiency

California has set a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030.  Recent legislation has targeted the doubling of energy efficiency by 2030 for existing buildings and increasing investments for energy efficiency. New residential and commercial buildings will soon be ZNE.  These efforts play a critical role in achieving the needed GHG reductions in California.

Laurie ten Hope, Division Deputy Director, Energy Research & Development Division, California Energy Commission

10:25 AM | Balancing the Load: Residential Plug Loads

Appliances and electronics use an enormous amount of energy in homes.  California has multiple codes and guidelines on how technology can help limit this energy use.  Hear about the newest technology designed to address this issue, and how product companies are tackling this challenge from the square one.

Moderator: G.P. Li, Director and Professor, EECS, University of California Irvine

Matt Smith, Project Manager for Emerging Technologies Energy Efficiency Program, San Diego Gas & Electric

Henry Wong, Sr. Staff Technologist, Intel

Stephen Palm, Senior Technical Director, Broadcom

11:40 AM | Lunch (provided) and Networking

12:40 PM | Existing Residential Buildings: What's Coming Up and Lessons Learned

Overview of the AB 758 action plan, SB 350 and AB 802—and the impact on existing residential buildings. Demonstration of an asset-based rating system for existing buildings that showcases the value of energy efficiency to homebuyers; demonstration of residential energy performance tool; case study of practical and cost-effective retrofits on a variety of residential building vintages and types in California’s hot, dry climate zone.

Moderator: Virginia Lew, Office Manager, Energy Efficientcy Research Office, California Energy Commission

Abhilasha Wadhwa, Supervisor- Appliances and Existing Buildings Office, California Energy Commission

Martha Brook, Senior Mechanical Engineer, California Energy Commission

John Proctor, President, Proctor Engineering Group

1:40 PM   | Break

1:50 PM   | Path to ZNE: Integration of Distributed Energy Resources and Energy Efficiency

How are small power sources being used in households to meet basic power demands?  What opportunities are there for new technologies to be implemented that will lead to zero net energy homes?

Moderator: Jonathan Livingston, President, Livingston Energy Innovations

Neha Arora, Engineer / Project Manager, Southern California Edison

Jon Fortune, Director, Regulatory & Energy Services, Sunverge

Lupe Jimenez, Senior Project Manager, Sacramento Municipal Utility District

Ram Narayanamurthy, Senior Project Manager, EPRI

3:00 PM   | Wrap-up

Bruce Baccei, Emerging Technologies Project Manager, Sacramento Municipal Utility District

California Energy Commission, 1516 9th Street, Sacramento, CA and via Webinar
Event Type
Quarterly Meeting
Event Host
  • Pacific Gas & Electric Company logo
  • Southern California Edison Company logo
  • Southern California Gas Company logo
  • San Diego Gas & Electric Company logo
  • Sacramento Municipal Utility District logo
  • Los Angeles Department of Water and Power logo
  • CEC logo

Copyright © 2024 Energy Transition Coordinating Council. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

The ETCC is funded in part by ratepayer dollars and the California IOU Emerging Technologies Program, the IOU Codes & Standards Planning & Coordination Subprograms, and the Demand Response Emerging Technologies (DRET) Collaborative programs under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. The municipal portion of this program is funded and administered by Sacramento Municipal Utility District and Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.