Using Data Analytics to Maximize Demand Response Enrollment and Participation
Project Number ETDR19SDG0004 Organization SDG&E End-use Other Sector Commercial Project Year(s) 2019 - 2021San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) contracted with Demand Side Analytics (DSA) to conduct analysis and develop tools to target Demand Response (DR) programs, behind-the-meter (BTM) battery storage, and distributed solar. The team designed the research tool to inform customer targeting and design of non-residential DR programs. A key objective was to assess SDG&E's ability to incorporate customers with and without battery storage and solar into these programs. Another objective of the study was to make interactive analysis accessible to utility program managers and account representatives via dashboards. The dashboard allows users to identify sites that are likely to enroll, deliver load changes, and experience bill reductions from various combinations of demand response, solar, battery storage, and rates. They also produce granular site-level recommendations and bill impacts for customers.