Project Info
Project Title

ET15SCE1330 - Software Controlled Motors
Project Number ET15SCE1330 Organization SCE End-use HVAC Sector Commercial Project Year(s) 2018 - 2018Description
This project will measure the performance of an emerging technology nominal three-horsepower (3HP) high rotor pole Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM) with software-controlled inverter, compared to a baseline nominal 3HP baseline induction motor controlled by a Variable-Frequency Drive (VFD) in laboratory testing, and a nominal 3HP baseline single-speed induction motor for field testing.
Project Results
This project measured the performance of an emerging technology nominal threehorsepower (3HP) high rotor pole Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM) with softwarecontrolled inverter, compared to a baseline nominal 3HP baseline induction motor controlled by a Variable-Frequency Drive (VFD) in laboratory testing, and a nominal 3HP baseline single-speed induction motor for field testing.
The difference in performance between the two motors was used to forecast annual energy and demand savings expected to result from replacing the baseline technology with the emerging technology.
Project Report Document
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