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Sector Residential
End-use Whole Building
Project Number ET17SCE7020
2017 - 2023
The project's primary goal will be to demonstrate technical and economic feasibility of ZNE homes by scaling the neighborhood level experiment in Fontana. It will also look at integrating ZNE homes into the electric grid. This project will demonstrate ZNE solutions within the multifamily category....
Sector Commercial
End-use HVAC
Project Number ET17SCE1070
2017 - 2021
Project involves lab assessment of HVAC device on 5-ton RTU heat pump currently installed in TTC laboratories. The device varies the speed of the compressor as needed. Assessment will involve AHRI-style tests. All testing will be in cooling...
Sector Residential
End-use Whole Building
Project Number ET17SCE1080
2017 - 2019
Cloud-based software incorporates historical customer energy usage and demand data, in any interval available (i.e., bi-monthly, monthly, hourly or sub-hourly), and combines this with weather data, to create predictive models of weather-normalized energy usage for every premise. These models can...
Sector Residential
End-use HVAC
Project Number ET17SCE7070
2017 - 2021
PDF Available
This project seeks to evaluate a DIY heat pump system with a typical window AC unit. The goal is to determine for a given cooling load if this technology can provide higher efficiencies with comparable installation costs to window AC...
Sector Commercial
End-use Process Loads
Project Number ET18SCE1060
2017 - 2019
Product would be considered retrofit add on (REA). It is an evaporative pre-cooler for air cooled condensers of commercial/industrial refrigeration systems. By using this pre-cooler, the dry bulb temperature of the air entering the condenser is cooler by some amount related to the evaporative...
Sector Residential
End-use Whole Building
Project Number ET17SCE1140
2017 - 2022
As identified in the California Long Term Energy Efficiency Plan (CLTEESP), one of the Big Bold Strategies includes that All Residential Construction will be zero net energy (ZNE) by 2020. The purpose of this All-Electric Residential ZNE Home Field Monitoring Assessment measurement and verification...
Sector Residential
End-use Whole Building
Project Number ET17SCE7080
2017 - 2022
The projects’ primary goal is to show feasibility of building all electric homes for incorporation into an all-electric community in Southern California, cost effectively and within the building...
Sector Residential
End-use Whole Building
Project Number ET17SCE7010
2017 - 2022
The project's primary goal will be to demonstrate and evaluate an innovative methodology combining the traditional technical approach with customer centric needs for designing IDSM/ZNE packages for energy efficiency retrofits that could enable scaling energy efficiency in existing low-income...
Sector Agricultural
End-use Process Loads
Project Number ET17SCE0001
2017 - 2020
The goal of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of PowWow “AMI-Pump Monitor” software. This study will evaluate energy savings and the opportunity for Flexible DR as a result of subscription to PowWow’s trademarked “Pump Monitor” software. AMI-Pump Monitor is an annual software...
Sector Commercial
End-use Whole Building
Project Number ET21SCE0004
2017 - 2023
As part of EPIC GFO 16-304/EPC-17-008 Center for Sustainable Energy along with their project partners will design and demonstrate the impact of an integrated suite of energy efficiency technologies in an existing Big Box retail store. The technologies include lighting upgrades, HVAC/refrigeration...
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  • Southern California Gas Company logo
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  • Sacramento Municipal Utility District logo
  • Los Angeles Department of Water and Power logo
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Copyright © 2024 Energy Transition Coordinating Council. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

The ETCC is funded in part by ratepayer dollars and the California IOU Emerging Technologies Program, the IOU Codes & Standards Planning & Coordination Subprograms, and the Demand Response Emerging Technologies (DRET) Collaborative programs under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. The municipal portion of this program is funded and administered by Sacramento Municipal Utility District and Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.