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Sector Commercial, Residential
End-use HVAC, Lighting, Plug Load
Project Number DRET17PGE02
2017 - 2017
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PG&E is interested in designing new incentive structures for standards based Automated Demand Response (ADR) control technologies. Specifically:PG&E is interested in working with ADR vendors to explore different approaches to developing new channels through which third parties can provide...
Sector Commercial
End-use HVAC
Project Number ET15SCE1320
2015 - 2017
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Perform a feasibility study and explore design options for an adsorbent heat and mass exchanger. The scope includes: evaluate the amount of moisture available in a year-long period using TMY data, develop a one-dimensional heat and mass exchange model using data on the performance of its adsorbent...
Sector Residential
End-use HVAC
Project Number ET15SCE1300
2016 - 2017
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Run various simulations using a residential building model to determine water flow rates (from a fluid cooler) and air flow rates (from a residential air hander) required to meet cooling demand for single family residential home in climate zones in SCE territory. Design a condenser replacement...
Sector Commercial
End-use HVAC
Project Number ET15SCE1260
2014 - 2017
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This project involves a remote evaporative condenser retrofit for connection to packaged AC units. This technology replaces the packaged AC unit's air-cooled condenser with a separate, evaporatively-cooled condenser. One condenser can serve up to two AC units. This is a continuation of project...
Sector Commercial
End-use Whole Building
Project Number ET11SCE1090
2011 - 2017
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Evaluate issues around providing energy efficiency and demand response opportunities to strip malls in California. Project involves investor owned utilities and determining how to bundle end use measures together when commercial retail operator leases space from a...
Sector Commercial
End-use HVAC
Project Number DR12.17
2013 - 2017
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This field study is evaluating the potential and current DR capabilities of climate-appropriate air-conditioning (AC) systems, such as evaporative cooling and variable capacity heat pump systems. Targeted DR and EE programs can help reduce high peak demand caused by increased AC use and address...
Sector Commercial
End-use HVAC
Project Number ET15SCE1100
2015 - 2017
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A temperature-modulated panel of parabolic solar thermal collectors is used to heat hot refrigerant from the discharge line, adding heat and pressure without adding electricity. It works with VFD or multi-stage compression systems and is able to reduce system energy usage by up to...
Sector Commercial
End-use Whole Building
Project Number ET15SCE1160
2015 - 2017
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This technology increases system visibility and improves the management of building mechanical systems through better detection of events that waste energy or adversely affect occupant comfort. Building efficiency monitoring services provide the basis of a continuous commissioning process, energy...
Sector Commercial
End-use Process Loads
Project Number ET15SCE1110
2015 - 2017
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Laboratory assessment on a walk-in cooler to measure the energy performance of drop-in refrigerant replacements for R-22 and R-404a. Testing will include testing of two alternative drop-in refrigerants with lower GWP in accordance to ASRHAE Standard...
Sector Commercial
End-use Process Loads
Project Number ET14SCE7110
2014 - 2017
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Feasibility phase for a demonstration project with the objective is to link building energy retrofits with electric transportation system linking buildings to public transportation. To scale adoption of key technologies including energy efficiency, energy storage, distributed generation, charging...
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  • Southern California Edison Company logo
  • Southern California Gas Company logo
  • San Diego Gas & Electric Company logo
  • Sacramento Municipal Utility District logo
  • Los Angeles Department of Water and Power logo
  • CEC logo

Copyright © 2024 Energy Transition Coordinating Council. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

The ETCC is funded in part by ratepayer dollars and the California IOU Emerging Technologies Program, the IOU Codes & Standards Planning & Coordination Subprograms, and the Demand Response Emerging Technologies (DRET) Collaborative programs under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. The municipal portion of this program is funded and administered by Sacramento Municipal Utility District and Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.