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Sector Cross Cutting
End-use Cooking Equipment, HVAC, Miscellaneous, Other, Plug Load, Plug Loads and Appliances, Water Heating/DHW/HPWH
Project Number SCE24PC0001
2023 - 2023
PDF Available
This document is a report on the Southern California Edison (SCE) Codes and Standards (C&S) Planning and Coordination (P&C) subprogram key initiatives for 2023.  The P&C subprogram aims to support California's energy transition and decarbonization goals by coordinating and...
Sector Cross Cutting
End-use Other
Project Number SCE23PC0003
2023 - 2023
PDF Available
This Flexible Load Technical Potential project is exploring the expected growth in electrification technologies and estimating the effect on residential, small commercial, and medium commercial customer load profiles as well as estimating the technical potential of flexible load as these load...
Sector Residential
End-use Water Heating/DHW/HPWH
Project Number ET23SWE0075
2023 - 2024
SWE (Statewide Electric ETP)
The intent of this Focus Pilot is to break down barriers to residential heat pump water heater (HPWH) adoption in the marketplace. We target four of the most significant barriers to test for scalable solutions that will result in faster time to market for HPWH. Those barriers are 1) Higher first...
Sector Residential
End-use HVAC
Project Number ET23SWE0074
2023 - 2024
SWE (Statewide Electric ETP)
The proposed idea is to provide recommendations for updates around adding plug-in 120-volt heat pump water heaters (HPWHs) for inclusion into existing residential HPWH related eTRM measure packages.   The 120-volt HPWHs are market-ready and proven to be important new offerings. It is estimated...
Sector Commercial
End-use HVAC
Project Number ET23SWE0072
2023 - 2025
SWE (Statewide Electric ETP)
The proposed project involves field demonstration and evaluation of an emerging technology, which is micro-zone control for ducted variable air volume (VAV) systems in medium to large commercial buildings. The technology is the only commercially available product in the U.S. today that can be added...
Sector Commercial
End-use HVAC
Project Number ET23SWE0073
2023 - 2025
SWE (Statewide Electric ETP)
This focused pilot aims to increase the adoption of Commercial Packaged Unitary Heat Pump systems (Commercial HP RTUs) ≥ 5.4 tons through a streamlined midstream pilot program. While Commercial HP RTUs have been on the market for decades, adoption in CA is lower than expected given the generally...
Sector Industrial
End-use Process Loads
Project Number ET23SWE0070
2023 - 2024
SWE (Statewide Electric ETP)
Industrial processes are one of the more difficult sectors for electrification and energy efficiency measures due to the high capital costs and risks of implementing new technologies. While less known, emerging microwave technologies can be a process heating solution for a variety of industrial,...
Sector Commercial
End-use HVAC
Project Number ET23SWE0071
2023 - 2025
SWE (Statewide Electric ETP)
This project is an Emerging Technology Field Demonstration to evaluate the efficiency, cooling performance, and load shifting/demand flexibility, of a liquid desiccant- enhanced commercial packaged rooftop unit with integral energy storage. This tests a new class of equipment referred to by the US...
Sector Commercial
End-use HVAC
Project Number ET23SWE0069
2023 - 2024
SWE (Statewide Electric ETP)
CPUC Resolution E-5221 (DEER2024) governs updates to the EE portfolio measures, and Section R directed program administrators to collect and update performance data for a variety of high efficiency variable capacity heat pump equipment (VCHPs) types (with and without heat recovery) in the deemed...
Sector Industrial
End-use Process Loads
Project Number ET23SWG0014
2023 - N/A
SWG (Statewide Gas ETP)
The proposed project aims to conduct a comprehensive market study focused on production line heat recovery systems within the industrial and manufacturing sectors. Heat recovery systems play a crucial role in improving energy efficiency and sustainability for various industrial processes, and their...
  • Pacific Gas & Electric Company logo
  • Southern California Edison Company logo
  • Southern California Gas Company logo
  • San Diego Gas & Electric Company logo
  • Sacramento Municipal Utility District logo
  • Los Angeles Department of Water and Power logo
  • CEC logo

Copyright © 2024 Energy Transition Coordinating Council. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

The ETCC is funded in part by ratepayer dollars and the California IOU Emerging Technologies Program, the IOU Codes & Standards Planning & Coordination Subprograms, and the Demand Response Emerging Technologies (DRET) Collaborative programs under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. The municipal portion of this program is funded and administered by Sacramento Municipal Utility District and Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.