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Sector Industrial
End-use Process Loads
Project Number DR17.17
2017 - 2019
Water-Energy Pilot Partnership Program for Preferred Resource...
Sector Commercial
End-use Whole Building
Project Number DR17.11
2017 - 2017
This project aims to develop a roadmap for enabling technologies and customer outreach efforts that will effectively migrate existing and new automated DR capabilities to meet the new performance requirements identified in LBNL's Phase 2 DR Potential Study...
Sector Other
End-use Process Loads
Project Number DR17.13
2017 - 2018
In 2013, the CPUC opened its Alternative-Fueled Vehicles Rulemaking (R.) 13-11-007, in part to “evaluate the potential and value of vehicle-grid integration”4 to support the state’s zero-emissions vehicle (ZEV) goal established by Executive Order B-16-2012. Executive Order B-16-2012 ordered the...
Sector Other
End-use Plug Loads and Appliances
Project Number DR17.01
2017 - 2021
OpenADR Test Lab Development - SCE Technology Test Center...
Sector Commercial
End-use Whole Building
Project Number ET17SCE7050
2017 - 2022
PDF Available
In response to AB 802, the objective of this study is to develop a viable meter-based program offering for large commercial customers. The legislation and subsequent proceedings and decisions from the CPUC enable Program Administrators to design and implement energy efficiency programs that provide...
Sector Commercial
End-use Whole Building
Project Number ET17SCE8040
2017 - 2020
Manually controlling Demand of HVAC and other associated loads is labor and time intensive, involving the manual adjustment of several controls spread out of these facilities. Furthermore, participation in, “day ahead”, demand response programs provides challenges in this type of facility and...
Sector Commercial
End-use Whole Building
Project Number ET15SCE1130
2017 - 2018
PDF Available
The goal of this project is to establish a whole building M&V approach based on the short-time interval energy use data (collectively known as “M&V 2.0”) for the University and possibly Public Sector environment that is simple to apply but accurately captures real savings from existing conditions...
Sector Commercial
End-use Whole Building
Project Number ET16SCE1110
2017 - 2021
PDF Available
Predictive Energy Optimization acts as an automated supervisory control system for HVAC systems in commercial buildings, designed to reduce energy consumption, operating costs and CO2 emissions. It connects to most existing building management and control systems (BMCS) using industry standard...
Sector Commercial
End-use HVAC
Project Number ET17SCE1110
2017 - 2022
The HVAC retrofit controller uses dual temperature sensors (supply air and return air) and a proprietary control algorithm with predictive analytics to improve operation of an HVAC system. This laboratory test project will explore energy efficiency potential of the HVAC retrofit controller, on a...
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  • Southern California Edison Company logo
  • Southern California Gas Company logo
  • San Diego Gas & Electric Company logo
  • Sacramento Municipal Utility District logo
  • Los Angeles Department of Water and Power logo
  • CEC logo

Copyright © 2024 Energy Transition Coordinating Council. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

The ETCC is funded in part by ratepayer dollars and the California IOU Emerging Technologies Program, the IOU Codes & Standards Planning & Coordination Subprograms, and the Demand Response Emerging Technologies (DRET) Collaborative programs under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. The municipal portion of this program is funded and administered by Sacramento Municipal Utility District and Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.