Project Info
Project Title

Multifamily In-Unit Heat Pump
Project Number ET22SWE0035 Organization SWE (Statewide Electric ETP) End-use HVAC Sector Residential Project Year(s) 2022 - 2023Description
VEIC proposes to conduct a market study to assess the market opportunity and technology performance of variable speed, high-efficiency in-unit/window heat pumps in multifamily buildings for use for direct replacement of inefficient window and packaged terminal air conditioning (PTAC) units for California multifamily buildings. Additional design options including low-GWP refrigerants, defined in the NY/CEE specifications targeting this opportunity as R-32 and CO2, will also be assessed. The 2021 NY Clean Heat for All Challenge RFP included low GWP refrigerants as an optional criteria - not a requirement - for manufacturer window heat pumps. Our market study would assess the adoption, availability, costs and impact (energy and GWP) of low GWP heat pump models compatible with multifamily in-unit applications.The project will define and quantify the potential opportunity for this technology in California through detailed analysis and building energy modeling as the first step to look for opportunities to bring these new, alternative clean heating and cooling electric technologies into the energy efficiency and demand-side management programs. Baseline and high efficiency measure research will include 120V and 240V supply equipment, as well as in-wall configurations. Throughout this project we will review the growing knowledge about these products by coordinating closely with national and other state-wide initiatives and California programs such as TECH Clean CA, Building Initiative for Low-Emissions Development (BUILD) Program, CA Market Transformation Program, and the EPIC grant program in which the San Francisco based Treau, Inc. received an EPIC grant for their Gradient system development which now is available for pre-order. Additional vendors will include Midea, who along with Treau was selected through the NY Clean Heat for All Challenge, as well as other window and alternative in- wall manufacturers (e.g. Ephoca) identified in the initial project market research.
Project Report Document
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