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Midstream Commercial Incentives for LED Replacement Lamps

Project Number ET12PGE3301 Organization PG&E End-use Lighting Sector Commercial Project Year(s) 2012 - 2012

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) has commissioned this emerging technologies (ET) report to assess both the market for light emitting diode (LED) replacement lamp products and the delivery channels available for utility promotion of these products. As part of this effort, PG&E created two pilot incentive programs for LED replacement lamps in 2012: a “midstream” pilot which incentivized distributors’ sales and a third party (3P) pilot which utilized a “direct install” (DI) model.

The LED lamp types chosen for promotion were the Parabolic Aluminized Reflector (PAR) lamps and Multifaceted Reflector (MR) lamps. These are well-established product categories for LED products and a wide variety of products in these categories are currently on the market: well over one thousand LED reflector lamps have met ENERGY STAR® performance requirements to date. However, recent estimates of the national market place LEDs at around 2% of the installed base for PAR and MR lamps (Navigant Consulting Inc., 2011).

This report reviews the two utility incentive program designs and their performance, and incorporates customer and vendor feedback to summarize the state of the market and its response to these delivery channels. The report reviews the current state of the market for LED replacement lamps and provides recommendations for future PG&E programs which target this measure.

Project Report Document
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The ETCC is funded in part by ratepayer dollars and the California IOU Emerging Technologies Program, the IOU Codes & Standards Planning & Coordination Subprograms, and the Demand Response Emerging Technologies (DRET) Collaborative programs under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. The municipal portion of this program is funded and administered by Sacramento Municipal Utility District and Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.