Project Info
Project Title

Maintenance and Advanced Rooftop Controls
Project Number ET14SDG1141 Organization SDG&E End-use Whole Building, Other, HVAC Sector Commercial, Public, Other Project Year(s) 2014 - 2016Description
Project Summary
In support of California’s strategic plan to accelerate the penetration of energy efficiency technologies, San Diego Gas & Electric’s Emerging Technology program funded a study of rooftop package unit maintenance and control retrofit technology at two fast food restaurant buildings. The primary goals for this project were to determine the energy savings potential and demand response (DR) capabilities of an advanced rooftop controller (ARC) for rooftop units (RTUs) and how a standardized operations and maintenance (O&M) protocol can complement the technology. In order to gain insight into the technology and the O&M procedure, a field test and subsequent analysis were conducted.
Project Report Document
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