Project Info
Project Title

Indirect Evaporative Air Conditioning For A Restaurant
Project Number ET12PGE3101 Organization PG&E End-use HVAC Sector Commercial Project Year(s) 2012 - 2015Description
This report presents findings from a field study of an indirect evaporative air conditioner installed as a retrofit at a small restaurant in Rocklin, CA. The study broadens general understanding about application of indirect evaporative cooling systems, documents the level of performance that is achievable by this HVAC efficiency measure, and identifies opportunities for improved integration and control in future applications.
This study was performed in parallel and/or in sequence with four other studies, all of which assessed the performance of RTUs that employ evaporative technologies in different ways or configurations. These include:
• A lab assessment of four direct evaporative condenser pre-coolers, and one air supply indirect evaporative pre-cooler.
• A field assessment at a big box retail store and grocery in Bakersfield, CA of indirect evaporative cooling units from two different manufacturers applied as retrofits to existing RTUs:
• A field assessment of indirect evaporative cooling for a mall in Fairfield, CA in which a new RTU was retrofitted with a direct evaporative pre-cooler at the condenser inlet, and a water to air heat exchanger at the ventilation air inlet.
• Lab and field assessments of a Munters hybrid unitary dedicated outside air supply (DOAS) system.
Project Report Document
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