Project Info
Project Title

ET10SCE1311 Hot Food Holding Cabinets Test
Project Number ET10SCE1311 Organization SCE End-use Process Sector Commercial Project Year(s) 2010 - 2011Description
The hot food holding cabinet is widely used and is a versatile piece of equipment generally used in commercial kitchens. These cabinets are mostly used to; keep food at a safe serving temperature; keep serving plates warm, and to transport food for catering events. In
addition, these hot food holding cabinets are lightweight for easy moving, yet strong enough for everyday use. These cabinets can be plugged into any wall outlet and sit on large wheels for easy mobility. The insulated cabinet utilizes magnetic door gaskets, auto door closers etc that provides additional energy saving attributes to these cabinets.
This project assesses the energy efficiency level of the hot food holding cabinet to determine an appliance baseline and a minimum energy efficiency level in order to qualify for the food service qualifying product list. This project also assesses the energy input rate, amount of energy consumed during holding cabinet preheating and idle energy rate. This test method was based on the reapproved version of ASTM F2140-01 (revised July 23, 2010) “Standard Test Method for Performance of Hot Food Holding Cabinets”.
Project Report Document
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