Project Info
Project Title

Dynamic Rate Pilot
Project Number DR21.03 Organization SCE End-use Whole Building Sector Other Project Year(s) 2021 - 2025Description
The Pilot will combine real time pricing design and transactional subscription elements from both the RATES and UNIDE tariff concepts. This is a prudent approach to enhancing and scaling up a system wide demand flexibility approach to improve system reliability and enhance customer benefits. The Pilot will also investigate how customer- based distributed energy resources can act as both flexible assets and grid interactive resources when these new pricing signals are transmitted to end use customers as proposed in the UNIDE model. So that these hypotheses are fully examined, the Pilot metrics will be structured to develop a series of empirical analyses to assess the costs and benefits of real-time dynamic rate communications, with the ultimate objectives of transferring the research investments from the 2016 CEC EPIC RATES pilot into flexible customer demand side opportunities that can accelerate solutions for system reliability for the summers of 2022 and 2023.