Project Info
Project Title
DRPP- LEED Pilot DR Credit
Project Number DR12.07 Organization SCE End-use Whole Building Sector Commercial Project Year(s) 2012 - 2014Description
This pilot is designed to encourage building owners to add DR capabilities to their facilities by offering LEED DR credit if the point is adopted. It is estimated that 58% of the some 1,400 LEED-certified buildings in SCE’s service territory, representing 18 million ft2, could earn the LEED DR credit immediately. Demand reduction will vary by building size and type. However, the initial requirement of the LEED DR point is to achieve a minimum reduction in peak energy use of 10% or 20 kW, whichever is greater. The goal of this program is to show that establishing this LEED DR credit will decrease energy use, help stimulate expanded development of DR technologies, and be seen as a benefit by the building owner.