DR Potential of Residential Appliances - Clothes Washer (GE)
Project Number DR10SCE16.02 Organization SCE End-use Other Sector Residential Project Year(s) 2010 - 2012In response to major electrical grid failures over the past few decades, coupled with the emergence of widespread renewable generation and increased need for understanding energy consumption, there has been a growing push for an electric “Smart Grid”. The Smart Grid is envisioned to employ vast networks of communicating equipment, such as “Smart Appliances”, which will enable much improved visibility and control over how and when energy is consumed. Southern California Edison (SCE) is demonstrating its vision of the future system in its Irvine Smart Grid Demonstration (ISGD). This project deploys technology on both the utility and customer side of the meter to quantify and demonstrate the benefits of the Smart Grid. As part of this effort and in general, Smart Appliances equipped with Demand Response (DR) capabilities must be fully understood to realize the advantages of the Smart Grid in the residential market, and that is what the reports aims to determine.