Code Readiness Data Brief: Hydronic Heat Pump Field Assessment
Project Number ET21PGE7201-1 Organization PG&E End-use HVAC Sector Commercial Project Year(s) 2021 - 2023Abstract:
In 2021 PG&E’s Code Readiness Program research team (Research Team) initiated an evaluation and data collection of nonresidential hydronic heat pump (HP) heating equipment across California. The intent of the data collection effort was to better understand how hydronic HPs perform under real-world conditions. The Research Team proceeded to recruit five small-to-medium nonresidential buildings with hydronic HP systems and collected system performance data through the building automation system (BAS) data collection and supplemental field monitoring.
This data brief presents the field site HVAC system details and a select portion of the data collected under this project. The Research Team will publish a comprehensive project report later in 2023.
Keyword Search:
hydronic heat pumps, heat pump, air source heat pump, air-to-water heat pumps, dedicated outdoor air system, decoupled HVAC, DOAS, ventilation, heat recovery ventilation, energy recovery ventilation, HRV, ERV, fans, building electrification, energy efficiency, retrofit, office, non-residential, commercial, demand control ventilation, peak demand reduction, VAV, building controls