Central Valley Research Homes: Field Assessment of Residential Radiant Ceiling Panel Space Conditioning Systems
Project Number ET13PGE1065 Organization PG&E End-use HVAC Sector Residential Project Year(s) 2013 - 2016Project Summary
The primary project goal was to field evaluate radiant panel performance, and to compare performance to that of conventional HVAC systems. A detailed study of field performance would help define best practices and identify opportunities for improving and optimizing these systems. Other objectives included:
- Assessing heating and cooling performance for purposes of panel sizing to meet cooling and heating loads
- Characterizing the risk of moisture damage resulting from condensation on cooled panel surfaces, and identifying methods of avoidance
- Comparing the relative performance of two radiant panel products
- Comparing performance of radiant vs. “reference” forced air systems in terms of comfort provided and energy use
- Developing data to aid statewide compliance and national standards programs
See https://www.etcc-ca.com/reports/central-valley-research-homes-phase-2-assessment-residential-radiant-ceiling-panel-space for the report detailing the results of the next phase of this project, which evaluated dehumidification using an integrated hydronic fan coil, impacts of that fan coil on setback recovery, how radiant zoning impacts comfort, and how ceiling fan operation affects panel cooling performance.
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