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2022 SCE C&S Planning and Coordination Key Initiatives Report

Project Number SCE23PC0001 Organization SCE End-use Other Sector Cross Cutting Project Year(s) 2022 - 2022

The 2022 C&S Planning and Coordination Key Initiatives Report presents the activities and achievements of the P&C subprogram in the program’s five elements: Decarbonization, Grid Harmonization, Code Harmonization, Strategic Planning and Coordination, and Program Coordination. For the Decarbonization element, P&C presents their work in the Advanced Water Heating Initiative (AWHI) and the Advanced Heat Pump Coalition (AHPC), and their role in coordinating between SCE’s transportation electrification and building electrification efforts. P&C developed the Building Inventory GIS (BIG) database and BE project tracker to characterize building stock and electrification projects within SCE territory. For the Grid Harmonization element, P&C coordinated efforts between SCE’s T&D division and the building electrification efforts, including efforts by SCE’s Emerging Markets and Technologies group. P&C conducted a foundational load profile analysis and developed BUGMAP (Bottoms Up Grid Model Advanced Profiles) to support load forecasting, and initiated a study on the impact of building electrification on resiliency. P&C collaborated with T&D to develop a grid harmonization roadmap. P&C’s code harmonization efforts include conducting a central heat pump water heater field evaluation, conducting a customer electric appliance preference survey, coordinating the testing of Energy Star induction cooktops, and ongoing support and participation in ASHRAE discussions. P&C’s strategic planning coordination efforts include coordination through CalBEM working groups, initiation of a building performance standards (BPS) study, ongoing market and technology tracking, and coordination with the CEC. P&C coordinated across programs including the CEC BUILD and other new construction programs. P&C coordinated through venues such as the ETCC and the ZNE/Decarbonization EM&V project coordination group, with an eye on serving SCE’s Equity and Social Justice (ESJ) customer segments. P&C also developed internal curricula called the Building Electrification Academy to help SCE employees better serve their customers’ electrification needs. P&C continued participation in the Architecture at Zero competition, and developed an innovative virtual reality experience to help customers understand the benefits of clean energy smart homes.


Project Report Document
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The ETCC is funded in part by ratepayer dollars and the California IOU Emerging Technologies Program, the IOU Codes & Standards Planning & Coordination Subprograms, and the Demand Response Emerging Technologies (DRET) Collaborative programs under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. The municipal portion of this program is funded and administered by Sacramento Municipal Utility District and Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.